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Josh sat in the seat across from Tyler at the small café. They had both gotten a cup of hot chocolate and a muffin. Tyler got a blueberry one and Josh got a chocolate chip muffin. Tyler giggled, "I don't get how you can eat so much chocolate."

Josh grinned widely, showing his pearly white teeth, "What can I say? I love chocolate."

Tyler snorted and covered his mouth to hold in his laughter. Something about Josh made him much more happier. The two talked for a bit more before something changed the atmosphere into a darker one.

Tyler and Josh both turned their head when they heard the bell above the door go off. Matty walked in with his head held high like he was some king. Tyler kept his head down and he heard Josh scoff.

Matty's eyes landed on the two and he smirked. He began walking up to them and Josh reached out to grab Tyler's hand. Tyler squeezed it out of nervousness.

Josh rolled his eyes when Matty stopped in front of them, "Do you need something?"

Matty shrugged, "I'm just surprised. I never thought you two would hit it off. It seems Tyler's moved on pretty quickly, you slut."

Josh abruptly stood up and towered over Matty, "I suggest you leave, Matty."

Matty roles his eyes, "You don't scare me, big guy. So back off."

Josh still had Tyler's hand firmly on his own, "Matty, I said leave. Or I swear to god I'll knock out all those crooked teeth of yours."

Matty scoffed and glared at Josh, "I'd like to see you try." Josh raised his free hand, but stopped when Tyler tugged at his hand.

Josh turned to see Tyler staring at him with wide eyes, "J-Josh."

Josh's face softened and he turned back to Matty with a face of anger, "You know what, your not worth it."

Josh placed a twenty on the table and pulled Tyler to his feet, "Come on, Tyler. Let's get outta here." Tyler thankfully followed and he kept his head loaded as he heard Matty's nasty cackling. Josh and Tyler got back into the car and started it.

They sat there for a few moments of silent before Tyler spoke up, "I'm sorry..."

Josh looked at Tyler with a concerned face, "Tyler, why as you always sorry? Especially when you did nothing wrong."

Tyler shrugged, "I-I don't know. Sorry."

Josh pulled Tyler into a hug, "Stop apologizing. You didn't do anything wrong."

Tyler was tempted to apologize again, but just hugged josh back instead. Josh pulled away and grabbed Tyler's hand again, "Tyler, if anyone is ever making you feel this way. Like your always need to apologize, or feel bad about yourself, please tell me." Tyler though for a moment. The only person that came to his mind was Blurry, but Blurry said he did it out of care.

Tyler shook his head, "N-no. No one does." Josh's gaze lingered on Tyler's a few more seconds before turning to face forward and drive out of the parking lot. Tyler knew Josh didn't believe him, but he was glad he didn't push it. But would if that meant he didn't care enough to carry on with the conversation?

Tyler quickly shook the thought out of his head and leaned against the door. He began feeling tired and he let his eyes slip shut.


Tyler's eyes slowly opened and he let out a tired yawn. He blinked a few times for his eyes to adjust. He was startled when he looked over to see Josh driving the car. Tyler looked at him confused, "How long have we been driving?"

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