Chapter 2

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It's 7 am and my alarm goes off. "Ugh drop dead!" I scream. I get out of bed and grab my clothes, and guess what? Black.

Today is my first day at my new school and I'm pretty nervous. I head to the bathroom and put some makeup on my face. I don't wear a lot of makeup, because I don't like it that much. I grab my bag and head downstairs.

"Hey Jade!" my father says. "Hello." I walk to the kitchen and grab an apple. "Since when are you so healthy?" my mother asks. Yes, she joined the conversation. "Since now. New life so new start."

My mother nods and walks away. "Don't be so hard on your mother, you have to understand that this is hard for everyone" my father says.

"Dad, I know she is doing it for her job but she doesn't care about Mabel or me! Only her stupid job!" "That isn't true Jade!" My father screams. My father and I have a lot of 'fights' so this isn't new for me. "Ok, what ever I leave."

I grab my shoes, jacket and bag and leave. It's summer so it means it's really hot. I am busy with my phone and suddenly someone runs against me. I fall and my phonescreen is broken.

"Dude what the hell look out where you're walking" a man says. Well a man? A guy. I think he is the same age as me or maybe 1 year older. I stand up and look at him. "First of all I'm not a 'dude' I'm Jade and second of all I walk where I want to walk."

The guy shows no emotion. He is so beautiful I have never seen a guy like him. Brown hair, brown eyes, lazy eye, a scar on his right cheek, and oh my god his teeth are so white and perfect. "Where are you staring at?" I say.

He bends to my ear and whispers something. "This wasn't a smart move babe." I look at him and give him a slap in his face. "I am not your babe and leave me alone." I want to go but he doesn't let me. "See you soon babe." The guy leaves and I stand here, no idea what just happened.

I arrive at school and head to my headmaster, because I'm new and I need to have my schedule. I walk to the headmaster's room and knock at the door. "Come in!" he says. I walk inside and he seems like a nice man.

Blonde hair, blue eyes. I think he is 30 years or maybe younger. "You are Jade right?" "Yes I am." "Well, welcome to our school Greenfeld and my name is Aaron Blake." "Nice to meet you!"

We talk for a bit and he gives me my schedule. Then there comes a girl in the room. "This is Lisa, Lisa is going to show you the school. "Lisa Jade, Jade Lisa."

"Hello nice to meet you Jade" she says. Lisa is a pretty girl, brown hair, green eyes. "Nice to meet you too Lisa!" "Well let's start with the tour." She laughs and so do I. "Have fun girls!" "Yes dad we will bye!"

"Wait is that your dad?" "Yes he is, why?" "You don't look like him" I say. "Yes, I know, but can we continue the tour?" I nod and we leave.

"Well, this is the great hall you have lunch etc in it, this is the libary you can study here."

She shows me a lot of more things but then I see the boy. The guy I came across on the street. "Lisa" he says. "Go away Shawn" she says.

So his name is Shawn. Cute guy. "Sweet Lisa, I'm not leaving honey." Lisa rolls her eyes and grabs my arm.

"Wait I know you, you're the girl I came across on the street, that little bitch." Lisa lets go of my arm and I stand right before Shawn.

"Look Shawn, I don't know you but you don't have the right to call me a bitch because you don't even know me. So go away and leave Lisa and me alone." I scream because I am mad at him.

"Oh my dear Jade, like I said this wasn't a smart move." He gives me a little evil smile and it made my heart melt. What no? Jade stop now ilgh. "I will see you later" he says quietly in my ear. It gives me goosebumps and he sees it.

He gives me a kiss on my cheek and his hand runs through my hair. I grab his hand and push it away. "Don't ever do that again." He laughs and I look mad at him. "What you want babe." I look at him and then Lisa and I walk away.

"Do you know who this was?" I shake my head. "No, who is it?" "It's Shawn Mendes THE badboy from the school. He has 2 best friends: Blake and Zack. All 3 of them are assholes, but Shawn is the worst. He wants to have all girls and so far he has gotten all the girls."

I listen to Lisa and understand her now. He has gotten all the girls. "Wait so you hooked up with him too?" Lisa nods.

"Yes, but he hooked up with every girl he doesn't have a heart. He tells you the sweetest things and then you have sex with him and then he doesn't talk to you anymore." "Lisa I'm so sorry." "Doesn't matter, I hate him. But please don't talk to him Jade he is dangerous he only wants you for the sex." I nod.

"How late starts your lesson?" Lisa asks. "In 5 minutes." "Which class do you have?" she asks. I grab my schedule and see: history. "History and you?" "Great I have history too!" We head to our class and we are just in time.

"Today you have a new classmate" the history teacher says. "Come here and say something about yourself!"

I stand up and talk about myself. "Okay Jade take a seat next to Lisa." I nod and head to Lisa. The teacher says something when the door opens.

I look at the door and see 3 persons. Oh god, why them?!

Shawn Mendes is the badboy? (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now