Chapter 8

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I look at him, swallow and blink a few times. I'm frozen, I can't move and say anything. "Jade?" he says. My heart is beating too fast. What is he doing to me?

"Never" I answer. He kinda looks sad when I said it. "Okay then, I have to try harder see you tomorrow babe." Shawn walks away and I close my door. One thing I know for sure is that I lied.

I lay on my couch and see that Shawn has texted me:

Hey Jade! How are you feeling? x

I smile at my phone screen he is so cute. Even he is the 'badboy' I think he has a heart. Maybe a small one but he has one, I think.

I reply:

Hi, I'm feeling well thanks for asking.

I lay my phone away and watch Riverdale. The door is opening and there is my family again. Yippie, love them. Okay that was a joke.

They are talking and then my mom sees me. "Jade?! School!" she asks. I explain to her that I'm sick and thank God she understands it. My mom is always so difficult in that. "Jade!" Mabel screams.

She gives me hug and she shows me the prize. "1st place!" I smile and I'm so proud of her. "Great job kiddo" I say. She smiles and heads to the kitchen. My dad hasn't say a word to me, I don't know why.

I head to my room because it's already 10 pm. I'm making my homework and I think about Shawn. The way he kissed me this morning felt amazing. It felt so good.

But I have to remember that this is all a game. I know Shawn doesn't love me and that he is doing this for the game, just like me. Or maybe I don't do it for the game anymore?

"Fuck!" I jump out of my bed and go as fast as I can to the bathroom. Okay, I don't have time for a shower. I don't put make-up on my face.

"Hi Jade." "Can't answer need to go! I'm already too late, bye!" I grab my bike and cycle as fast as I can to school.

I'm in the corridor and I see Shawn. I want to go to him but then I see something I had never expected from him.

He is kissing Stacey, the biggest slut from the whole school. I look at them and then Shawn sees me. He doesn't stop the kiss he continues with it. He doesn't care about me?

I run to the toilet and wipe my tears away. "Jade don't cry, he is an asshole." But why is this hurting me so much? I don't love him? I wish I am Stacey at that moment.

His soft lips touching my lips. I feel sad. I throw some water in my face and go to my class. Shawn is still kissing Stacey. Drop dead Stacey I think.

"Sorry there was eehh.. Traffic jam" I lie. "Okay then." I sit next to Lisa this time because Natasha isn't there and Shawn is still kissing that stupid slut.

"Why were you too late?" Lisa asks quietly. "I walked in the corridor and I saw Shawn kissing with someone else." "Sorry to hear that Jade, but remember he is a badboy and he doesn't have feelings." I nod. Maybe Lisa has right, he doesn't have feelings.

After class Shawn is coming my way. I walk faster but he already got my hand. "Shawn let me go!" I scream. Some people are staring at me. "Come now!" Shawn says. "Let me go! Now!" I scream as loud as I can.

There are a lot of childern now. "I can explain it" he says quietly. "You can explain it?!" I laugh. "You have no idea what you've just done!

"I have no idea why you even exist! The only thing you good at is hooking up with people and after that dumping them!" I scream. All my emotions are coming out. Shawn looks a little bit scared. "Leave me alone forever!" I say. I push a few people away and go to the toilet. What have I just done?

I cry so hard and I see Lisa is here. "Hey girl" she says quietly. I run to her and she gives me a hug. "I don't know what he is doing to me" I say. Lisa nods. "I know Jade, I know." She wipes my tears away and put some make-up on my face. "So, much better." I laugh and so does Lisa.

I see Shawn waiting for the toilet but I ignore him. "Jade wait!" he says. I turn around. "What part of leave me alone don't you get?" I walk away but Shawn already has my arm. Like always.

He heads to a small room. He locks the door so I can't get out. "Key now!" I say. He shakes his head. "No, I want to explain it." I roll my eyes. "Shawn I get it okay! I know you're the badboy I know you don't have feelings! But what I don't know is why you don't think about other people their feelings!"

He looks down at the ground. "I'm sorry" he says. "That's all?" "Jade I don't like you it is all a game remember?" I feel my tears are coming. "I know. That stupid game. Just give me the damn key so I can leave." "Not before I do this."

A second later I feel his lips on my lips. His hands are on my waist and I push him away. "S-shawn don't." I grab the key and unlock the door. "Goodbye Shawn."

On my way to home I only think about Shawn. That stupid game. He only is doing this for that stupid game! I had to know better.

I'm sitting in my room and suddenly I get a message from Brandon:

Hey Jade how are you? I want to say that I miss you and I'm so sorry for not texting you. You have the right to know that I'm still in love with you and I can't live without you x

What the fuck? This day is getting weirder and weirder. I sent a message back:

Hi Brandon. I'm fine. But don't ever think I will take you back. I have a new life here. Bye.

Okay maybe it's a little bit hard. Okay really hard, but it's the truth. He has read the message but he didn't reply. Yeah duh. I don't have contact anymore with Hannah and Phoebe, but it's better this way.

It's 3 am and I get a message from Shawn:

Jade something terrible has happened, can I please come over?

I stare at the message for 5 minutes. What happened? And why does he want to come over? I type something.

I hope this answer is a good choice.

Shawn Mendes is the badboy? (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now