Chapter 34

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"What happened?" I say in panic. "Nash" he says calm. Nash? What? "Eh what?" "I came him across on the street and he hit me in my face as you can see." "Sorry Shawn he would never do that."

"Well, do you believe me or Nash?"

"Shawn don't act so stupid! He would never do that" I say quietly. He enters my house and pushes me against the nearest wall.

"Jade, trust me I already fucked it up between us and I love you so much so I wouldn't lie to you, he did this, I swear." He gives me a seriously look. I swallow and look down at the ground. I want to say something but there isn't anything coming out my mouth.

"Jade, please" he lifts my chin up. "I-i don't get it, why should Nash do this?" "He is jealous because we are in a relationship and-." That's the point I stop him.

"We don't have a relationship Shawn."

He looks down at the ground and clears his throat. "I know, I fucked it up" he says quietly. "Shawn we never had a relationship, I never said yes." He looks into my eyes and lays his hands on my cheeks. "I love you Jade, more than everything else in the whole world, so why should I lie about this?"

I see he has tears in his eyes, I don't know if it is the pain or the reason I don't believe him. I hug him and hold him tightly. He holds me tightly and then I hear him quietly crying.

"H-hey don't cry" I smile at him. I wipe his tears away and give him a kiss on his lips. "Please don't cry." I place my hand on his eye because it's very swollen. "I believe you, but come with me okay?" He nods and I grab his hand.

We are walking to my bedroom and Shawn lets himself go on the bed. He takes off his clothes and see he has many more bruises than one. "Oh my god, Nash did all of this?" I point to the bruises. He slowly nods.

I let myself go and lay next to Shawn. "I'll always protect you Mendes" I smile. He looks at me and kisses me. "I should protect you, you don't have to protect me." "I do" I say quietly.

I run with my fingers through his hair. Shawn has his eyes closed and I look at him. Part of me believes him but the other part says Nash isn't capable of this..

Should I believe Shawn?

When I think Shawn is sleeping I give him a soft kiss and go out of the bed carefully. I look at him for the last time and then I leave the bedroom. It's 4 am now and what am I going to do? Well, you all know it.

I'm going to visit Nash.

I head to the hall and put on my shoes and my jacket. I slowly unlock the front door and close the door carefully. I take a deep breath and head to Nash's house.

When I arrive at his house I climb through his window to his room. He once told me I could do that so that's why I'm doing it.

I stand at the edge of his bed and look at him. He is too kind to do this to Shawn.

"Nash" I whisper. He mumbles something and turns around in his bed. He is still sleeping. "Nash" I say louder.

He slowly opens his eyes and sees me. "Jesus Jade" he screams. "Hello Nash." "What are you doing here?" he asks. "What did you do to Shawn?" "N-nothing" he stuttered. "You stuttered, what did you do" I come closer.

I put on the light and he closes his eyes immediately. "It's 4:30 am, go away Jade." "What did you do to Shawn, this is the last time I ask you this question." I look at him and he looks at me now. "You already know what I did." He seriously did it..

"Why Nash, why?" He gets out of his bed and stands right in front of me.

"Because I love you Jade, I love you so much and it's driving me crazy to see you with other guys, I hate to see you with Shawn. I know I'm jealous but I want to be yours, I want to hold you in my arms, I want to laugh with you, cuddle, kiss and tease you. I want you and I love you so much" he says.

I have no idea what to say. "Nash w-wow this is ehh." "Unexpected, yes I know, but you have to know that I will never forget you and I will always be here for you. The reason I beat up Shawn is because I'm jealous. I'm jealous he can hold you everynight, kiss, cuddle and tease you. I want to be that person" he looks down at the ground.

"N-nash that isn't-." I can't finish my sentence because he places his lips on my lips. I push him away. "S-sorry I wasn't t-thinking" he looks again down at the ground. "Nash, I know how sweet you are, but we can't be together. I love Shawn and." "Shawn fucking cheated on you Jade! He doesn't love you! He only wants you to have sex!" he screams. I run my fingers through my hair. "He loves me!" I scream back.

Nash quietly laughs. "You seriously think he loves you? How many times have you seen him kissing other girls? How many times has he broken your heart? Too many times Jade. He isn't the one for you" he looks straight into my eyes.

I swallow. "Maybe your right, maybe he isn't the one for me, but I know he loves me and I know he will fight for me." That are the last words I say and then I leave his bedroom.

I'm walking back to my own house and see Shawn is still sleeping. "Shawn wake up" I say loudly. He opens his eyes and looks at me. "W-what happened are you okay?" He gives me a hug. "I'm fine but I want to ask you something." "Sure go ahead."

"I know you said 'I love you' millions of times but when you say it, do you mean it or is it all an act?"

Shawn Mendes is the badboy? (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now