Chapter 17

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"Jade! Pizza" my sister screams. I head downstairs and go to the living room. I smell the pizza, oh hell yes.

I see Mabel sitting on the couch with a boy? Huh? "Jade this is Cameron, Cameron Jade!" "And who is this Cameron boy?" I look amazed, I never thought that Mabel will get a boyfriend. Okay that sounds mean, but I speak the truth.

"I am Mabel her boyfriend." "Huh? For how long?" I don't know, I don't like this guy. He has something, something weird. "One week, why?" "Jade! Why are you acting so mean." "I don't act mean, I only ask something! But I will go to my room. And yes, with my pizza, bye" I say pissed.

I grab my pizza and head back to my room. I eat my pizza and listen to some music. Suddenly I hear someone knocking at my window. What the hell?

I walk to my window and I see Shawn. It's raining outside. I open the window. "Oh my god come in!" He climbs through my window and he is in my room.

"Hello Jade" and he gives me a kiss. "Hey" I smile. "What are you doing here?" He pulls me to his chest and holds me tough. "I wanted to see you, babe." I blush. "That's sweet of you, do you want something to drink?" He nods. "Cup of tea, please." I nod and head downstairs.

"Who is in your room?" Mabel asks. "Nobody why?" "I heard you talking, so who is in your room!" "Nobody! I already told you that!" I scream.

"If nobody is in your room, then I can go to your room?" I nod. "Sure go ahead! Why are you acting so weird Mabel?!" She gives me no answer. "Answer me now!" I scream.

"It's Shawn isn't it?" I swallow and shake my head carefully. "No." "Why are you lying?" "Mabel just go back to your 'boyfriend' Cameron!"

I leave the kitchen without a cup of tea, oops. Why is my sister acting so weird?

I run to my room and open the door. I see Shawn sitting on my bed. "Hey are you okay?" I shake my head and cry. "Hey Jade come here babe."

I go to him and lay my head on his chest. "What's wrong babe?" "My sister, she is acting so weird for no reason." He smiles. "Girls are weird." I nod. "Yes, you can say that."

"Everything is going to be okay, I promise." He lifts my chin up and he looks in my eyes. "I promise" he says quietly. He slowly goes to my lips and kisses me.

After the kiss he smiles at me. "You're so different you know, so unique, how?" he asks. "Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are" I say quietly.

"Why so quiet? You said that so beautifully, you're perfect Jade, just the way you are." His words makes me melt. "Thank you Shawn." He smiles. "I probably should go it's getting late" he says. I nod.

"I see you tomorrow!" I nod. "Bye Shawn." "Bye Jade" and he gives me a kiss.

Shawn is gone and Mabel is still downstairs with her stupid boyfriend.

I am so bored and I see he has forgotten something so I text Shawn, but he doesn't respond back. Oh and by the way, I asked him if I can come over.

Well, I get no answer so I guess it's a yes. I grab the thing he has forgotten and head downstairs.

I put on my shoes and a jacket and leave. On my way to Shawn's house.

I walk to his house and it's freezing outside.

When I am at his house I knock at the door. "Hey Jade, what are you doing here?" He acts weird. A little too weird..

"I want to give you this, you forgot it at my place." I smile at him but he ignores it. What? "Thanks, now bye!" And he closes the door. What is wrong with him?

I look through his window and now I get it.. Stacey is in his house. They are having so much fun together. Stacey lays on Shawn's chest and he goes through her hair. This breaks my heart.

I thought he loved me.. That we maybe could date.. Maybe we could have a thing, but no.. We can't.. Why is he a badboy?! Why am I always falling for the wrong boys!

This time I won't forgive him, this time it's really over. I text Nash if I can come over he said that I can come.

I am at Nash's house and I knock at the door. "Hey come in!" and he gives me a hug. I smile at him and come in.

"I am home alone so, you can stay as long as you want." I nod. "What do you want to drink?" "Cup of tea, please." He nods and goes to the kitchen. Nash is so sweet. If he knows I kissed Shawn I think his heart would break. I'm not going to tell him.

"Jade? Here." I smile at him and grab the cup of tea. "Thank you." "Do you have it cold?" "Yes, a little." "Okay wait, don't move!" I laugh. "I won't dare!"

He comes back with a blanket. "This keeps you warm." "Loser, but thanks." "What happened? You seem upset?" Should I lie?

"Nothing important" I lie. "Are you sure? I don't want to see you upset." "I am sure Nash, thank you."

We are talking for a while and it's 1 am. "Wow time flies when you're having fun" I say. He laughs. "Yes it does." "I think I have to go back home." "Or you can stay here?" Is that a smart idea?

"Ehm, okay why not?" He seems happy. "You can take a shower if you want, I have some clothes for you." I nod.

I head to his bathroom and take a shower. I put on Nash's sweater and sit on his bed.

Nash is busy with his phone. I stare at him, he is so cute when he is concetrated. It gives me a little smile on my face. "Why are you smiling?" I bite on my lip. "Damn Jade, that's hot." I roll my eyes.

He comes closer and caresses my cheek with his dumb. My heart is beating so fast. "I was not joking." I swallow.

One second later I feel his lips on my lips. I go with my hand through his hair. He lifts me up and he pushes me against the nearest wall.

He takes of my clothes and I only stand in my underwear. Is this going to be my first time? With Nash?

"Are you okay with it?" he says. His hands are on my waist. "Yes" I say. "Are you sure?" I nod. "100 percent." He smiles. "I only do things you want, okay?" "Okay" I smile at him and give him a kiss.

He lifts me up again and he let go of me in his bed. He kisses me and then it happens.. My first time is with Nash and not with Shawn..

It's 3 am and I'm still awake. Nash is already sleeping but I can't stop thinking about Shawn. I have to let go of Shawn, he is not worth it. I have to focus on Nash, he is much better than Shawn.

"Hey, still awake?" I nod. "Come here." He pulls me closer to his chest and he gives a kiss on my forhead. He goes through my hair and it makes me so sleepy.

I'm almost sleeping and then I see my phone is lighting up. I sigh and look at the name who has sent me a message.


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