Chapter 46

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His voice keeps going through my head. "The airplane from the Magcon Boys has crashed. They say there are no survivors but they are still searching." "Jade?" Rox says quietly.

I don't cry, I don't feel any emotion right now. I turn around to Rox as a robot, because that's how I feel at the moment. I keep staring into her eyes. She looks sorry for me. "Come here." She pulls me in a hug. Still no emotion. "Maybe they aren't death, maybe it was a different airplane."

My mind is going wild right now. What if Rox is right? What if Shawn isn't death? Maybe he is still alive.

I try to call him but he doesn't pick up the phone. "Jesus, pick up" I say quietly to myself. I call him probably like 20 times and send him 30 messages.

I walk as fast as I can to Aaliyah's house. Her parents are at home but I don't really care at this moment. Karen stands up and walks to my direction. "This is all your fault!" she screams. "How can this be my fault? He posted covers, not me!" I scream back.

To be honest, I have no idea why she hates me. Shawn was once in the hospital and there she became mad at me. Maybe she thought it was my fault because he was there. But you can't blame people for something they didn't do, just like this. For one moment she doesn't know what to say so she shuts her mouth.

"And why do you hate me? Because you're afraid Shawn will love me more than you?! That's never going to happen. Mother love is way more different than love for your girlfriend or friends" I say quietly. She looks down at the ground and mumbles something.

I keep looking at her but she doesn't look at me. "You've to know that we are on the same side, I'll never hurt your son" I say quietly. She nods and walks away.

I could see in her eyes that she didn't cry. Maybe she doesn't even care, or she is just bad at showing her emotions. I walk to Aaliyah's room and open it. There she is, sitting on her bed crying. "Hey" I say quietly. When she heard my voice she jumped of her bed and hugged me thightly. "Hey" she says quietly back.

She still has the television on. "Do they have new news?" She shakes her head. "Only that there are no survivors." I look back at the television. "I just can't live without him Jade, it's impossible." I give her an other hug. "Me neither" I say quietly. "I can't live without him neither.."

Hours flew by and still no update. They keep repeating the same news. Magcon Boys. Airplane crash. No survivors. How do we actually know this was their plane? Maybe it was an other plane.

I grab my phone and see so many people commenting on his picture 'rest in peace.' I think it's wonderful they're doing it, but maybe he isn't death and then he sees all of this.

I say goodbye to Aaliyah and walk back to my own house. When I arrive I immediately walk to the bathroom. It's around 2 am and I'm going to take a shower. I just want to have a place where I can think clear.

I put it on and stand in it for like 1 hour. I sit on the ground staring to nothing. There are so many questions that I can't answer and I hate that. How could this airplane crash? Was it really Shawn and the boys? Why do they not know more about it? Are there any survivors? I sigh and close my eyes.


"You don't have to be afraid! You'll do a great job there" I smile. Currently Shawn is sitting on his bed playing with his guitar. "You're nervous aren't you?" I ask. He nods. "Wouldn't you be? I have to play for 4,000 people, I mean, that's insane!"

I lay his guitar on the ground and take a seat on his lap. I put my hands around his neck and look at him. "Babe, you'll do an amazing job! Everyone will love it. Don't stress too much, that isn't good."

He looks down at the ground but I lift his chin up with my finger. "Shawn, I'm serious" I look into his eyes. He nods and gives me a kiss. "I know you are, but it's just, what if I do something wrong and-." "Sstt, you won't okay? Stop worrying too much and just enjoy the moment."

"People are there to see you, not to judge you. They are your fans and if you mess something up, let it go. They love you, and they are there for you" I say. I can see in his eyes that he seems happier. "I have no idea what I would do if we never met." I smile and so does he.

He lifts me up and lays me gentle down on his bed. He kisses my lips and then my neck. He takes my t-shirt off and I do the same by him.

"Do you want this?" he asks. I nod and give him a kiss. "Of course I want it, I love you and trust you." He smiles and kisses me again.

"You have no idea how much I love you" he says.

*End of the flashback*

"Jade!" I hear suddenly. "Jade?!" I hear again. "Y-yes?" I ask. My mom enters the bathroom. "Oh my god I thought you were death!" I can hear the fear in her voice, but on the other side she sounds so relieved.

"Sorry, I-i was in my own mind." "Well, get out of the shower and go to bed it's 3 am." My mom has no idea what's going on, because she doesn't watch television. I'm not in the mood for telling her right now.

I put my pyjamas on and walk to my room. What happened if Shawn and I didn't run into each other that one day? Maybe we didn't know each other, or maybe he still was the asshole he used to be.

I shake my head. "No Jade, don't even think about that" I say to myself. I step into my bed and check my phone for the last time.

I wake up because of the vibration from my phone. I blink a few times with my eyes and grab my phone.

No, this isn't true.. How is this possible?!

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