Chapter 22

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I look at him and laugh. I push him away. "Great joke" and I walk away. "It wasn't a joke?" he says seriously. He keeps talking to me but I ignore him. "Jade! Are you listening?" he asks.

I turn around and look at him. "How many times have you said 'I love you', I think 5 times and when did you exactly mean it?" He looks down at the ground. "That's what I thought" I sigh and roll my eyes.

I head to the bathroom and look at myself. "I really mean it this time, how can I prove it to you?" "You can't, you have to feel it, and I know you don't love me, you have never loved someone so you can't say how it feels" I say loudly. My words actually hurt him. "Fine, I'm done here, go to Nash he is much better than me isn't he?"

I turn around and look at him. "Yes" I say quietly. Why have I said this? He isn't better than Shawn, Shawn is the best. "Have a great future with him, bye Jade."

He heads downstairs and I hear the door closing. I sigh and look up at the ceiling. I love Shawn, I know he loves me too, but he doesn't want to fight for it.

I grab my phone and call Lisa. "Hey, can we meet?" "Sure, where?" "At the park in 10 minutes?" There is a silence. "Lisa?" "Oh ehm yes, sure! I'll be there bye!" and she hangs up.

I lay my phone away and head downstairs. Suddenly I hear the doorbell ringing. I head to the front door and open it.

Why is he here? What is he doing here? "Hey" he says quietly. "Come in." He nods and enters my house. "Why didn't you call me? I was worried about you." "I was busy, sorry" I say.

I slowly head to him and give him a kiss. If I kiss Nash it feels different than I kiss Shawn. Nash is so sweet, and Shawn is so bad. "But I have to go" I say. "To where?" "Lisa, we are meeting each other at the park in 10 minutes." "Should I give you a ride?" I smile at him. "Sure."

He comes closer to me and gives me a kiss. He caresses my cheek with his thumb. "Everyday you're getting prettier and prettier." His words makes me blush. "Well, let's go" he says. I nod and head back to the front door.

I close the door and head to Nash's car. "Do you have a new one?" He nods. "Yes, do you like it?" I smile and look at him. "I love it."

He opens the door for me. "Thank you." He smiles and closes it.

We are on our way to the park. I hear Selena her song on the radio so I sing along with it. Nash looks at me in a cute way. He keeps smiling at me. Everytime I look at him he blushes. I think Nash is really in love with me. But the question is, am I in love with him?

"And here we are, the park" he says. He looks at me and I look at him. Our faces are coming closer and then my phone rings. "Thank you for the ride" I say quietly. Nash is blushing, it's so cute. "Have fun" he says. "I will, bye Nash!"

I want to open the door but then he stops me. "Wait" he says quietly. "What? Is there something wrong?" "I want to do this."

He bents to me and kisses me. I smile and kiss him back. He leaves the car and heads to my side. He opens the door for me. I smile at him. I leave the car and Nash closes the door. "Now you can go." I give him a kiss and a hug. "Bye Nash!" "Bye Jade."

I head to the lake at the park. I see Lisa sitting on a bench. "Hey!" I say. She looks up and heads to me. "Hey girl lomg time ago!" she gives me a hug. "How is life going?" she asks. "Okay, and yours?" "Good, exactly I have a -." She wants to say something but then my phone rings. "Can I accept this?" "Sure go ahead!" I nod and accept the call.

"Hey mom." "We are coming home today, see you tonight!" "Okay, bye." "Bye Jade." I hang up. "You sounded happy" she says. Now I need to explain it. "I have my reasons." She nods. "We can go to my house?" I say. "Sure!"

We are walking to my house and now I realize how much I missed Lisa. She is always here for me. "So how are things between you and Nash?" I blush. "Oh my god Jade! You really like him don't you?!" I can't stop myself from smiling. "Maybe? I don't know, life is hard." "That's true."

We arrived at my house. "Jade there are flowers in front of your house!" "What?" I head to my front door and see the flowers.

Because you make me happy, loves Nash.

"He has sent you flowers! How sweet!" "Yes!" That are the only words I can say. I grab the flowers and take them with me inside.

I head to the kitchen and put the flowers in a vase. "Where are your parents?" "They come back tonight." Lisa nods. "Did you and Nash had sex?" My eyes are getting bigger. I give her a friendly push. "Lisa!" I say. "What? That's a normal question, so did you?" I'm blushing. "Oh my god! You did! Is he good in bed?" "Lisa stop oh my god! This is so embarrassing!" She laughs.

"I already had sex with my boyfriend" she says. Lisa has a boyfriend, what? "Ehm what? Do you have a boyfriend?" Lisa nods. "I wanted to tell you at the park but then your phone was ringing so I thought it could wait."

"But wait, can I ask you, who's your boyfriend?" She laughs. "You wouldn't believe me if I say his name." My heart is beating faster. "Just tell me his name!" I smile. "Okay but don't be mad okay?" "Why should I be mad?" "Because you hate him" she says. "Who's it Lisa?"

"Shawn, I have a relationship with Shawn."

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