Chapter 37

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He lets go of my wrist and I leave my own house. Yes, Shawn doesn't want to go so I will go.

"Jade please!" I hear him screaming. I turn around with tears in my eyes. "Shawn, you and me, we are over, even tho there wasn't a you and me because you never loved me, you're a great actor you should do something with that" I scream back. "I didn't cheat on you with Beccie." I roll my eyes and laugh. "No of course you didn't, how stupid can I be to think that?" I say sarcastic.

I continue to walk on and Shawn is still behind me. We are screaming to each other.

"Jade, I love you."

"You said this too many times Shawn, sorry I can't forgive you, not now, not tomorrow, not in this life" I look down at the ground. He walks to my direction. "I know you love me, I know you want me, you can't live without me Jade." "Like I said I don't love you anymore." "Yes you do."

I sigh and look at him. "Shawn shut up, please, you're giving me a headache." "I will stop when you're mine again."

"Shawn, not all things are meant to be" I say quietly.

"We are meant to be, you know that, I know that" he grabs my hand. I pull it away and shake slowly my head. "We aren't Shawn, you need to continue with your life, we both need to do that."

This time I walk away and Shawn doesn't follow me. I close my eyes and press my lips together. I don't want to cry again, my tears aren't worth it for this boy..

I walk to Lisa's house and knock at the door. "Wow, Jade long time." I nod. "I know, can I come in?" I ask quietly. "Well, ehm, Nash is here so." "I know enough, bye." "Next time I promise!" she says. "Okay!" I fake smile.

I don't know what to do. Should I forgive Shawn? Should I give him an other chance? What if he didn't cheat on me with Beccie, maybe it was a miss understanding.

It's 30 degrees in Toronto and I'm sweating. Oh and yes, I'm already home and Shawn is already gone.

I put my bikini on and grab a towel and walk to my backyard. Yes, we have a swimming pool. I hear my sister entering the house and she has a boy by her side. "Mabel?" I scream. No answer. I shrug and continue swimming.

After 30 minutes I hear the doorbell. I get out of the water and walk to the front door. Surprise surpise, Shawn Mendes.

He wears no shirt, only his swimming shorts. He has a towel on his neck and he is sweaty as fuck. His skin is glowly and his eyes are sparkling.

"Can I come in? I know you're mad but I want to explain everything." I don't give him an answer because I'm still looking at his body. "Jade?" "W-what?!" "Can I come in?" he smiles. His freaking smile.. "Y-yes" I falter.

He enters my house and we are walking to my backyard. "So why were you with Beccie?" "Beccie had some troubles with her boyfriend, Lorenzo, and she asked me to help her." "Helping her by kissing her?" He slowly nods.

I sigh and look at him. "Shawn, why did you do that to me?" I look down at the ground. "The reason I had to come to that park was because we needed to make a plan for making Lorenzo jealous." "Lorenze was Beccie her boyfriend and she wanted to make him jealous?" "Yes, he cheated on her and she wanted to make him jealous." "She is so lame" I say quietly.

"I never wanted to hurt you Jade, I love you, only you, please never forget that" he grabs my hand and squeezes it. I look at it and pull my hand away. "Too soon Shawn" I say. He slowly nods. "But why did Beccie say that you loved her and not me?" "It was all part of the plan, everyone had to believe it."

Can I trust him or not?

I nod and stand up. "Where are you going to?" "The kitchen." I walk towards the kitchen and grab two glasses of water.

I walk back to Shawn and give him his water. "Thank you Jade." "No problem." "So what are you saying? Do you forgive me?" he asks. I look at him and shake my head. "Not directly, I don't know if I can trust you Shawn, you hurt me too many times, I can't take it no more."

He gives me a hug and rubs over my back. "I know and I'm truly sorry for that, you don't deserve all this" he says in my ear. "You're always sorry but when do you actually mean it?" "Now, always."

I can't help myself but I let a tear go. "Don't cry" he wipes it away. "Girls like you shouldn't cry" he smiles. I get a little smile on my face and give him a friendly push. "Was that necassary?" he asks. "Yes it was." He rolls his eyes and grabs my hand. "We are going to take a swim."

He jumps into the pool and so do I. "Remember when we were happy?" he asks. "Remember when you was an asshole? Oh wait, you still are" and I swim away from him. "You little" and he swims behind me.

The pool isn't that deep so we can stand in it. He wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my right shoulder. "Remember when you used to love me?" he whispers in my ear. I swallow and turn around.

His face is so close to mine, I want to kiss him but I don't, not again. He needs to know what he did is wasn't alright.

"Jade can you ever forgive me for what I have done?" I look down at the water. He lifts my chin up with his finger. "Can you?" he asks. I clear my throat and say something.

"There's a way I can forgive you.."

Shawn Mendes is the badboy? (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now