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Simon's POV

We walk back into the gym, where it's warm... Well, warmer than outside. "You cold?" I ask as I notice Jessica shivering as she sits down. She nods, "Only slightly." She chuckles. I sit next to her and wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling into a side hug. "Honestly, this isn't helping." She says. I unwrap my arm from around her, "I tried." I say. "Hug me properly, silly." She shivers as she wraps her arms around my body. I sigh as I wrap my long arms around her tiny frame. "Better?" I ask as I rest my head against hers. "Yeah, much." She mutters into my ear, almost.

I manage to look at the clock on the wall; 4:30PM. "It's 4:30..." I mutter quietly. "So?" She says. "Haven't you best be getting home?" I ask as I pull away from the hug slightly. "I'll go in a bit." She says with a small smile. I nod, "Okay."


Jessica's POV

He keeps his arms wrapped around, as do I. "Not going to lie, you're really warm." I say, smiling up at him. He smiles back down at me, "Thanks I guess." He says, making me giggle. "Anytime." I smile widely. 

"It's nearly 20 to 5 now..." Simon mutters as he looks at the clock. "I better get going soon then." I sigh. I look out one of the gym windows; it's pitch black. "And it's dark..." He mutters as he to looks out the window. "Yeah." I sigh, again. "If you want, I can give you a lift home." He offers. I look back at him, "You don't have to." I say. "But it's dark, anything could happen to you." He says. I nod, "True, true." "So, you want a lift?" He asks. "Sure, thanks." I smile at him. He smiles back at me, "Anytime."

"Well, I guess we better get going then, to avoid traffic." I say whilst managing to stand up. "Yeah." He nods as he to stands up and grabs his stuff. I grab my things and we both head out the gym, towards the car park which is more than likely empty.


Simon's POV

We get to the car park and, as suspected, my car is the only one left there. I unlock my car and watch as Jessica rushes over to it and quickly climbs in, making me chuckle. I get in and swiftly buckle myself in. "Si..." Jessica says. "Yes?" I ask as I look over at her. "You wear glasses?" She asks as hold up my glasses. I take them off her, "Only for driving." I say as I put them on. She giggles, "They suit ya." "Shut up." I laugh as I start the car. She quickly buckles herself in as I make my way out the car park and onto the road. We then make our way to her house.


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