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A Few Hours Later...

Jessica's POV

I wake feeling slightly better than before. I look around to see Simon on his phone. I don't think he's noticed that I'm awake. I groan as I begin sitting up. From the corner of my eye, I see Simon put his phone down and look at me. "Hello, sleeping beauty." Simon smiles at me. I turn to face him; "Hello." I mumble as I rub my eyes. "Feeling better?" He asks. "Slightly." I mutter. "Good." He smiles warmly. "Want anything? Food? Drink?" He asks before planting a small kiss onto my cheek. "Water, please." I say. He nods, "Stay there then." He says before climbing out of bed. I watch as he walks out the room towards the stairs.

I sigh as I lean back against the back of the bed. I grab the bed covers and wrap them around my body, as I'm slightly cold. Just as I'm all wrapped up, my phone vibrates. I groan as I un-wrap myself from the covers and grab my phone. I unlock it to see that I have a text from Layla. Great.

From Layla; Jessica, where are you girl?!

To Layla; I got sent home. Sorry for not telling you.

From Layla; Shall I come over later?

To Layla; I'm actually at Simon's as my mum is never home. He doesn't want me staying on my own.

From Layla; Alright. Get better soon babes.

To Layla; Thanks love. Love you.

From Layla; Love you too :)

I put my phone back onto the bedside table just as Simon walks in with a drink of water, and a hot drink of some sorts. Probably hot chocolate, knowing him.

He walks over and passes me the glass of water. "Thanks babe." I smile up at him. "Anytime." He smiles back. I drink some of the water before putting it down on the bedside table. I watch as he sits down at his desk and begins marking work. I wrap the covers around me again before walking over to him. "Yes?" He asks as he looks up at me. "I want cuddles." I pout like I'm a little kid. "Come here then." He says as he pats his lap. I smile as I happily sit on his lap with the covers still wrapped around me. "You cold?" He asks with a small chuckle. "Mhm." I hum in response. "Well, I can't see what I'm doing because of the covers, babe." He says. I sigh as I throw the covers of me. I then sit back down of his lap whilst hugging myself, due to the cold. 

I feel him do something behind me; not sure what. I then feel something begin wrapped around me. I look to see him put his hoodie on me, making me smile. I snuggle right into his and take in the scent of his cologne that still lingers on the fabric. "Better?" He asks as he kisses my cheek. "Better." I smile.

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