Chapter 11: Viva Las Vegas!

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After the plane landed, I got up, grabbed my bags, and tried to find Adam on the plane. After we all gathered outside the terminal, Adam decided to go get a rental car, while the rest of us went and got all of the luggage. As we were heading down the escalator down to baggage claim, we met a crazy super fan girl.


"Susan! Have you lost your mind!? Why are you yelling at these people?!" The Mom snapped.

"Its fine." I said to the Mom. "I'm actually glad someone knows me." We hit the bottom of the escalator, and the girl ran over and hugged me.

"Can I get a picture with you?" The girl asked.

"Sure!" She puled out her phone and snapped a selfie with me, and I did the same. "Mind if this goes on Instagram?"

"OMG PLEASE PUT IT ON INSTAGRAM!" The girl started jumping around.

"Alrighty then, it was nice meeting you! Have fun in Vegas, and bye!"

"Bye!" The girl waved, than she ran off with her mom.

Jason smiled. "So did you like your first fan incounter?"

"Yeah, she's nice. Now lets go get our bags!"


"Alright, so meet you buy the passenger pick up? Okay bye!" Dawn hung up her phone. "We're gonna go meet Adam by the student pick up. Lets go!"

"Alrighty then, lez bounce!" Mitch grabbed his backpack, and we headed toward passenger pick up.

On the way, we met more fans, got more pictures, and signed some Team Crafted T-shirts, until eventually we made it to passenger pick up.

"So where's Adam?" Quentin asked.

"He should be pulling up soon!" Dawn replied.

Right as Dawn said that, a big black van pulled up to us, and Adam rolled down the window. "Sorry, but there's not enough room in the car, I got the biggest one I could get!"

"Could you have chosen a little less creepy person car?" Tyler said. "You look like you're gonna kidnap people!"

"Ha ha, you're so funny Tyler. Now you are taking a cab."


"Yaaay!" Finally I get to get away from him!

"Dawn and Brady, get in the car." Dawn went up front, and I climbed in the back of the car. The car only had 3 back seats, and the front seat. "Brady, you get to decided who stays, and who goes."

"Okay! Mitch and Jason you guys get to ride in the car."

"What!? I thought we were friends! Lemme ride!" Jerome begged.

"You tried to steal my food!"

"Oh yeah."

"Alright, so you guys ca like catch a cab, and we'll meet you at the hotel! Bye!" I closed my door, and Adam drove away.

As we were driving out of the airport(not literally) and passed through the city, I was already planning my entire trip in my head.

First, I'm gonna do a Vlog in the hotel, so everybody will know that I was in Las Vegas, and they'll be all jealous and stuff. Than I'll probably do stuff like explore the hotel and grab some lunch. Thats all just today. After lunch I wanna go exploring the strip, and maybe check out some of the cool hotels. After the strip-

Would you just shut up! No one wants to hear your plan! They're gonna read about it later on!

Oh yeah. So never mind that. I'm just gonna stare at the scenery.

Adopted by YouTubers (A Minecraft Youtuber and Team Crafted Fan Fic) [Watty's 2014]Where stories live. Discover now