Chapter 43: Survival of the Fitest

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"We should probably go now." I shut off the movie and packed my stuff up.

"What why?" Jessica gave me the sad puppy dog face. "I liked that movie!"

"That's great and all, but more people are getting tagged which means we have a bigger chance of being caught! If we get caught we lose!"

"No duh!" Jessica rolled her eyes. "I'm staying here no matter what!" She snatched the remote out of my hands, and plopped herself down on one of the beanbag chairs.

"Alright then. Your funeral!"

"Adios amigo!" I put my hat on and left the treehouse.


You know those movies where people are being chased by crazy killers in the woods? You know how you laugh because they act so scared and trip over like everything? Well that was what I was going through now, and trust me it's not as fun as it looks.

I was doing fine, until a bush shook next to me, and I'm pretty sure it's not the wind...

"Who's there!? I have a..... iPhone! And I'm not afraid to use it!"

Instead of a person responding, I just got laughter. Creepy laughter. Well time to run.

I bolted through the forest, and something started chasing me! That was defiantly a motivator to get me to run faster. The person was within 5 feet of me, when my adrenaline kicked in. I sprinted towards a tree, then I jumped and back flipped off it. That put me behind the person, then I jumped over some bushes and I fell down a hill. Once at the bottom, I ran into a clearing and collapsed.

"Holy..." Gasp. "Crap!" Gasp. "I just..." Gasp. "Backflipped!"

Um where did you learn to backflip? I'm pretty sure it wasn't the orphanage.

Yeah... I'm probably never going to do that again, but it was still awesome!

Yeah sure. We better get going though, so we make sure we lost that person for good.

Yeah yeah let's go.

I pushed my self of the ground, then I tredded(I don't know how to spell that word :P) into the forest.


-Gabby: are you tagged? Cuz Jessica is!
-Me: nah I left. I told her to come with me, but she didn't
-Gabby: lol. I left the cave too! I'm right by some clearing!

I looked up and I saw the light of someone's phone.

-Me: gabby look up.

"Oh hi! Didn't see you there!"

"Obviously not. No where's Jerry?"

"He went ahead of me, then disappeared..."

"You know what, that's creepy."

"Yeah, especially since it's night."

"Maybe he got abducted by aliens!"

"Or that guy in the windowless white van that drove by!"

"Yeah-" Wait what!? "Wait what? Did you say-"

"I was joking bro!" Gabby burst into laughter. "He probably chickened out and went home to go play some video games!"

"Or maybe he is getting is room ready for you!"

Gabby blushed and turned away. "NO! WE'RE JUST-" Before she could continue, I slapped my hand over her mouth.

"Sh! If you keep on yelling you will lead your boyfriend to us!"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Gabby punched my arm. "Now lets just find a legit hiding spot! Cuz this is survival of the fittest!"

"This is do or die!"

"This is the winner takes it all!"

"So take it a-a-a-all!"

"Love that song!" Gabby high fived me. "Now how about we go back to Jerry's house. Maybe we can camp there!"


"-and thats when I threw Brady into the water!" We were at the fence line, and I could here Jerry telling stories.

"Thats so fake!" I whispered. "I never even fought him!"

Then I heard Lily's voice pipe up. "That is so fake! You never fought Brady! You got beaten up bye Ethan!"

"Yeah!" I climbed the fence, then I fell into the grass.

"I second that!" Gabby jumped over.

"Um you weren't there..."

"I don't believe in rules!" Gabby walked up to Lily. "Hi I'm Gabby! Have we met?"

"Lily shook her head. "I don't think so... "

"Ok kewl."


The four of us stood there in a awkward silence, until Jerry said something. "You guys wanna go play zombies?"

Everyone shrugged their shoulders, and we headed past the parents and up to Jerry's room.


"THERE YOU ARE!" Matt bust through the doors. We were looking for you!"

"Yeah!" Jodie punched my arm. The same arm that gabby punched. ow. "Why did you guys come here?"

"Because we we've been exploring around and couldn't find you. So yeah! Don't gut worry wrinkles Jodesters!" Gabby laughed and threw a pillow at her. "Now calm yourselves!"

"Yeah!" Lily replied."Now we're on round 36 and let us concentrate!"

"I've never gone that far on town!" Jodie shook her head. "I rarely ever go past round 20!"

"Really?" Matt sat on Jerry's bed. "Hey you guys wanna play some mcpe battle dome while they are bopping around in town?"

"Yeah why not?"


"Thanks for having us over!" Adam waved bye to Jerry's Dad. "We'll defiantly have to come over more often!"

"Yes indeed! I saw that Brady had fun!"

"Sure..." I came downstairs and waited by the door. "Well I'll be heading home now. Bye!"

"Bye Brady!"


Hi everyone DJUnicorn! Welcome to the end of another chapter! Just wonderimg, did anyone watch Sharknado 2: The second one? Oh my god that movie was so bad, its good! There was this one part, when a shark tackled some lady, so the lady next to her pulled out a tazer and tazed the shark to death :P There was so many other things wrong with the movie, buuuut it would take a hour to explain.

The second thing I wanted to explain, was: I was thinking about making a book after this one, but it would be all in Sarah's POV. It wouldn't be a sequel, it would be more likeeee....... Maybe.. A new story? I was actually inspired bye one of my favorite books Gamer Girl Problems by bubblypenguin! She'll be in the dedication. Any how




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