Chapter 32: Slender has Arrived

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Brady's Pov

Today is the second day at camp. Last night we had dinner, then we headed back to our lodge to get ready for bed. I didn't talk to Dawn or Adam last night, but I think that they were just busy so they couldn't talk. Ashton stayed up till like midnight talking with his girlfriend, so I ended up staying up late with him. That kinda sucked because I had to wake up at 7:00 the next morning. Luckily I wasn't that tired, and we didn't have that much work before lunch.

"Hey Brady!" Ethan came jogging down the cement. "I checked out your channel, and I saw that it had something missing!"


"Horror games!"

"You mean like slender and Amnesia?"

Ethan nodded. "Exactly! I think you could get even more subscribers by doing that!"

"Ok. Maybe I'll try it out."

"No no no!" Ethan frowned. "No maybe's, you'll player Slender The Arrival tonight!"

I sighed. "Whatever. And why at night? It'll be more scary!"

"Exactly! You're not scared are you?" Ethan smirked.

"No!" I shot back defensively. "I'll do it tonight!"

"Good. Can't wait to watch the video!" And with that, Ethan turned around and ran off to the cafeteria.

I've got a long night ahead of me.


Once we were done with all of our classes, I went straight to my room and downloaded the slender game. It was something like $10, but I had plenty of money on my pay pal account. While the game was loading, I set up my facecam, got my recording equipment ready, and made sure that nobody came in the room. 15 minuets later, it was time.

"HELLO EVERYBODY! I'm Brady, or TheBlondeGamer, and today I bring to you... Slender the Arrival!" I clicked the start game button. "My friends have been saying that I need to play more horror games, so that my channel will be better, so here I am!" I spawned on a path that led into the forest. I guess. I have to follow it. "I honestly know nothing about this game, besides the fact that it has slender, so this will be a surprise to me. Yaay. Also it's night time, and I have all the lights off, plus I'm in a cabin in the woods! Perfect atmosphere to play slender!" After a minuet or two of walking it started to get dark, and I came across a house. "I hate horror games."

Inside the house was really creepy. Most of the rooms looked normal, but the walls by the stairs had drawings of slender all over them. "Oh um that's not creepy. That's not creepy at all." I went into the kitchen and found a flashlight on the table. I guess that means I have to go upstairs. I walked up the stairs and turned to the left, where I saw that the hallway was pitch black. Perfect time to use my flashlight. "Let's go exploring into the darkness! Because that's where we will die! Woo!" Yep. I was totally not scared. Not yet.


"5 outta 8 pages! Or is it 7? I don't even remember! Numbers are hard. I hate it hard!"

"That's what she said!"

"Oh shut up tree's!" I ran around the forest trying to find pages, when I found the sixth one. I turned around and that's when I let out the most girl scream of all time. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!" I tried to run, but I was to late. Slender had got me. "God dang it! Looks like. I'll have to play this again!" I said in between breathes. "Or maybe I'll just stop here. Who knows what I'll do!" I slouched back into my chair. "I think I'm done. For today! I'll be back soon! I'm TheBlondeGamer, and this has been some scary arse slender game. PEACE!" Once I ended the recording, the door burst open and tons of laughing kids came pilling in.

"Oh man you should've heard your voice!" Ethan said in between fits of laughter. "You sounded like a 5 year old girl who had a nightmare!"

"It's true!" Ashton slapped my back. "You did sound pretty girly!"

"It was a scary game!" I said, trying not to sound like I was that scared. "I mean not THAT scary!"

"Sure." Lily rolled her eyes. "You sounded worse then my little brother! And he's played that same game!"

"Well have you played it?"

"Yes." Lily nodded. "I just said my brother got it!"

"I don't think it was that bad." Lydia said quietly.

"Did you hear him?" Ethan laughed. "It was that bad!"

"Okay." Lydia sunk back and disappeared somewhere unknown.

"Can you guys go know? This is my room!"

"And mine!" Ashton waved his hands at me.

"Fine. You can stay Ashton."

"Nah. I'll go."

"Ok bye!" Once everyone cleared out of the room, I slammed the door shut. Time to edit that video. I turned to go to my computer, and I almost let out another girly scream. Why? Because Lydia was just sitting on my bed. "Holy balls girl! You scared me!"

Lydia started blushing. "Sorry! Just wanted to talk to you in private..."

I raised a eyebrow. "About what?"

"Eh anything really."

"Ok, so what's your life like at your hometown?"

Lydia frowned. "Um, I don't really have a life."


"I live in a quiet town in Montana. The only interaction I have with people, is online, or at school. No one really talks to each other."


We sat there in silence 7 minuets, until the door burst open, and Ashton walked in.

"Hey Bra- Is that Lizzy?!" Ashton stopped and stared at Lydia who was seated besides me.

"I'm Lydia."

"Oh. Lydia, Lizzy, same thing. Anyhow I need to get dressed, so you should go flirt with Brady somewhere else. That is unless you wanna stay and watch." Ashton winked at her, and she ran out of the room slamming the door behind her.

"Where you serious about having her... Ya know?"

Ashton grinned. "Of course not! Just a way to get rid of her."

"Makes sense."

"Makes sense indeed."


Hey everyone! DJUnicorn here! Sorry about not updating in awhile :/ I was on spring break, and my mom said I couldn't use my iPad! I had to actually do things! Yeah I know ;P Anyways, the chapter is here, and...... I forgot. Phooey. Stay tuned for more!




I'm gonna try and update by Friday! No promises though....

No promises.

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