Chapter 1

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Ava's POV

All I remember is a white flash, then I lost every memory of my entire existence.

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My heavy eyelids slowly open and I glance around, confused. I am lying down in a comfy hospital bed with my head propped up. Two adults who looked to be in their mid-forties are sitting in front of me crying hysterically.

"Wh... Who are you?" I ask.

The man looks at the woman and she nods to him. He glances back at me and wipes his eyes before he replies.

"Ava, we're your parents. Don't you remember us?" He cries desperately.

I shake my head, trying to clear my jumbled thoughts. Now that I think about it, I don't remember anything or anyone. The man called me Ava, is that even my name? I look over to the door as it is pushed open. A young women walks over to me and smiles, her brown eyes are so calm and comforting that I instantly feel better.

"Hi sweetie, I'm Charlotte, your nurse. I promise that all of your questions will be answered soon enough," she tells me.

I nod and glance back at the people who claim to be my parents. Wouldn't I remember them if they are? I don't even know my own name though, how can I know who my parents are? The woman has light blue eyes and curly blond hair. Her hand is covering her mouth as she tries to control her emotions. The man has his arm around her attempting to comfort her even though he is crying too. He has dark brown short-cropped hair and his blue eyes are darker then the women's and they are narrowed worryingly as he gazes at me.

"George, Mary can you please step out of the room while I talk to Ava please?" Charlotte says to the two adults.

The man, George, nods and takes Mary's hand as they walk out of the room. I look back at my nurse as she takes a seat and scratches her head. She looks a little afraid and worried, I don't know why.

"Sweetie, this is going to be very confusing and probably scary but I need you to listen and ask questions at the end, okay?" Charlotte tells me.

Why all the secrecy? These people are talking to me as if I am a ticking time-bomb for gods sake.

"Your name is Ava Thomas. You are 19 years old and you have recently been in a car accident. Your injuries are very serious and you have been in a coma for two weeks. During the car accident, you hit your head on the dash board very hard and that and the coma is what has caused your memory loss. You should still remember every-day things like eating and walking, basically you just haven't forgotten how to actually take care of yourself. You live in Missouri and those people that were just in this hospital room are George and Mary Thomas, your parents," Charlotte blurts.

WHAT? How can this be happening? I wish I know what happened in the car crash and who I was with but the harder I think, the more confused I become. I don't even know those people, I have never seen them in my life! They look nothing like me anyway! Wait, what do I look like?

"Will my um.... Will my memory come back?" I stutter blinking rapidly to stop the tears from coming. I already know what my nurse will say but I have to be certain.

"No, Ava it won't. You might remember little things like what your favorite food is, or what you wore the day of the crash, who you were with. But you won't remember their names or anything else other then what they look like. I'm so sorry, but you must fight this. You may have had your memory taken from you, but you are alive and healthy now that your stitches in your head have been taken out. You must think on the bright side or else you won't make it through this battle."

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