Chapter 24

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Ava's POV

"So where are we going?" I ask Harry, gazing out of the car window.

"You'll see. I'm very confident that you will love it, so don't worry," he replies, glancing at me before looking back at the road.

"Conceited much?" I giggle.

"You love it," he winks.

I shake my head and sigh. Harry and I spent the day wandering around the campus and then going out for ice cream. He's now taking me to a birthday dinner or something.

A couple minutes later, we pull in front of a 13 story hotel. Harry gets out of the car and runs to my side, opening the door for me.

"Thank you Harold," I grin.

Harry takes my small hand in his and pulls me into the hotel, towards the elevator. We enter it and he presses the "Roof" button.

"Um- Harry? Are we even allowed up here?" I ask as we step out onto the large roof.

"Your forgetting how many people I know, Ava," Harry smirks, leading me to a large fluffy blanket by the edge of the roof.

I sit down on it and watch as Harry grabs a picnic basket that was hidden behind a large square vent.

Harry walks over to me and sits down on the blanket, opening the picnic basket and pulling out a large box.

"Here you go, love," Harry smiles, setting a big piece of pizza on my plate.

A silly grin spreads across my face.

"This is perfect," I laugh.

"I know," Harry winks, "and look at that."

Harry points in front of us and my eyes widen at the beautiful city of London. Since it's around 8 pm, the city is alive with different lights and noises. The stars in the sky are shining brightly and the full moon is alight.

"Wow," I sigh, taking a bite of the cheesy pizza.

"I know..." Harry trails off.

We sit in silence gazing at the sky until we finish our food. When I eat the last bite of my pizza, I fall back on the puffy blanket with a loud sigh. Harry does the same.

"Who knew you're such a romantic, Styles," I giggle quietly.

"Eh, I'm guessing half of the world already pictures me as one," Harry laughs.

"True that."

I continue to take in the starry sky and I can feel Harry looking at me. I glance at him and smile.

"Do you need something, Harry?" I ask the curly-haired boy.

Even though it's dark, I can still make out the faint blush on his cheeks.

"Your just so pretty," he grins sheepishly, before taking a piece of my wavy hair and twirling it around his finger.

"You too Harry," I laugh, setting my head on his chest.

He continues to play with my hair and I feel myself drifting off into sleep every now and then.

"Hey Ava?" Harry mumbles.


Harry says something so quietly that I can barely hear it, but I do.

"I love you...."

I lift my head and stare at him in amazement.

A smile spreads across my face and I reply without hesitation,

"I love you too, Harry."

Authors Note- AHHH I'm crying.... Why is Harry so perfect?? Don't answer that because it would take WAY too long:)

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