Chapter 10

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Ava's POV

"HE WHAT?!" Liz shouts,excitedly.

"He asked me out on a date guys," I laugh, looking at Liz and Sara's amazed expressions.

"I thought- whatever tell us the entire story," Sara demands.

So I told my best friends about what happened today. When I finish, Liz jumps off my bed and runs around my room, screaming.

"AHHHHHH," she yells.

Sara and I glance at each other and grin. Leave it to Liz when it comes to overreacting.

"This is just so great! Where are you going? Is it casual or fancy? Dress or shorts? Oh my god, how will I do your hair?" Liz rambles.

"Liz, relax! Harry said casual clothing, but wear a swimsuit. So I was thinking my yellow sundress with a light blue swimsuit? I should probably just wear my leather flip flops, right?" I ask.

"Perfect!" Sara squeals, before Liz can reply.

Sara runs to my closet and disappears inside.

"Fine, but I get to do your hair however I want," Liz mutters.

I agree with Liz and then go to my bathroom and change. My sun dress is a soft yellow, and the fabric is really smooth. There are too thin straps and all in all, I'm in love with the dress. My light blue two-piece swimsuit is nothing big, and it's not to revealing either. I slip on my leather flip-flops and exit my bathroom, sitting in my chair in front of the mirror.

"Show time," Liz grins.


I'm impressed by my hair by the time Liz is finished with it. My golden locks are curled a little more then usual, considering my hair is naturally wavy. Two skinny braids are running along the side of my head and they attach in the back, keeping my hair out of my face. Sara applied some natural makeup, with water-proof mascara. I love how I look, because my outfit and makeup is extremely simple.

"You look gorgeous," Sara smiles widely.

"All because of you guys! Thank you," I reply.

Liz winks at me, "Come on, Harry will be here soon."

My legs immediately start to weaken. I'm extremely nervous, and my friends obviously notice, but they don't say anything. The doorbell rings, announcing Harry's arrival.

"Go have fun!" Sara exclaims.

I hug them both and walk down the stairs shouting, "Bye mom! Bye dad!"

I hear them reply from the kitchen. Jasper is already at the front door, barking.

"Hey big guy, I'll be back later," I tell him, rubbing his head.

I take a deep breath and open the door, revealing a smiling Harry, with his usual adorable dimples and mop of wavy hair thats pushed up out of his eyes.

"Hey," I breathe.

"Hey love," Harry grabs my hand, leading me to the car.

"So where exactly are we going, Harry?"

"You'll see! It's not a restaurant, because we can't be seen, due to a complicated contract," he explains.

"So management isn't really agreeing with this?" I ask, as he pulls out of my driveway.

"Ehh, as I said, it's complicated. They kind of like that I'm seeing someone who isn't famous. But Kendall gives me loads of publicity that's good for the new album."

My heart literally skips a beat when I hear his words.

"Oh so where does this leave us?" I question, trying to sound like I don't care.

"If everything goes well, the contract will be over in a month and we won't have to worry about it, love."

I actually feel a great weight being lifted off of my shoulders. I really don't like Harry and Kendall's relationship, even if it is "fake."

"Let's not worry about that now, yeah? I have an amazing night planned for us," Harry grins.


Authors Note

Short chapter:( but the next one will make up for it! Thanks for reading, love you all!

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