Chapter 28

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Ava's POV

4 months.

It's been 4 months since I've had any contact with my ex-boyfriend, Harry Styles.

It's been 4 months since I've actually been happy.

4 months since I've smiled a genuine smile.

My only explanation for my sadness is that it's Harry's fault. Because it is. Harry's the one who said he loved me when he didn't. Harry's the one that cheated on me with Kendall. Harry's the one that didn't chase after me when I ran.

So now, here I am sitting in my room at my house in Holmes Chapel. Reminiscing the moment that broke me inside and changed my life.

Christmas is in 3 days and I know it won't be the best, because I was planning on spending it with Harry. That's obviously not an option, even though I know for a a fact that Harry is in Holmes Chapel too because he's on break.

I still remember running back to Manchester University like it was yesterday.


I flung open the door to my dorm room on Saturday morning, revealing Ally, my roommate, reading a book.

My tears had stopped, but only because my body was so numb that I couldn't cry anymore. My blank expression and 1 day early arrival must of shocked Ally, because she jumped off of her bed and ran to me.

I remember dropping to my knees and staring at the ground with Ally frantically asking me questions that I couldn't answer. My mouth had gone dry and I couldn't talk. Ally's green eyes were round with worry, but they just reminded me of Harry's eyes that had once looked at me with what I thought was love.

My ears had temporarily blocked out all noise and my head was still spinning slightly.

But suddenly, I could hear Ally's worried voice loud and clear.

"Liz, what did Harry do?"

My mouth was finally able to form words and I simply replied,

"He cheated on me."

And then my walls that I had recently built crumbled and I collapsed in Ally's arms.

*end of flashback*

I don't know why, but I still had his necklace and I'm still wearing it to this day. It reminds me of Harry, but not the bad memories, the great ones. Like when he would kiss my forehead and tell me I was beautiful. Or when he took me to the roof of a hotel on my birthday and confessed his love for me. I feel like if I got rid of the necklace, I would be throwing away the part of my life that I actually remembered and was constantly smiling and laughing because of Harry.

So I kept the necklace and now, I don't take it off. I can tell my parents are worried about me, but they don't say anything and I'm thankful for that. I still talk to Liz and Sara, but not as much as I used to because I can't stand to be with people that hang out with Harry and actually talk and laugh with him. It hurts, knowing that we aren't as close as we used to be and that it's my fault.

Right now, it's December 22 and around 12:00pm. I need to leave the house before I start to throw things, so I get up and slowly walk to my dresser.

I put on some dark blue jeans with a grey PINK sweatshirt. I slip on my tall tan Uggs and let my golden hair fall past my shoulders in its natural waves.

I jog downstairs yelling, "I'm going to the park! Be back later!"

I hear my parents faint replies from the kitchen so I leave the house with my giant German Shepherd, Jasper. We hop in my red truck and drive to the park down the street. As I pull into the parking lot, my mind starts to fog over with memories of meeting Harry here, but I quickly snap out of it. I grab Jasper's black leash and we jump out of the truck, entering the frosty park. There aren't any squirrels running or birds singing, but this place is still absolutely perfect to me.

My hands start to go numb, but I ignore the cold wind and continue walking with Jasper dancing at my heels. When small snowflakes begin to fall, I pull my grey hood up and trudge on, my breathe easily visible as I let out a yawn.

It doesn't come as a surprise when I realize that the park is vacant and I'm happy I havent run into anybody. It's not like they would recognize me anymore, considering its now public that Harry and I aren't dating, but I don't want to have to explain anything. I pass through a wooded area and my blue eyes are glued to my Uggs as I slowly walk through the snow. My head snaps up when Jasper lets out a bark and I run into a hard chest.

I stare into a familiar pair of sad green eyes and my heart stops.


Authors Note-

No surprise when she runs into Harry, but it had to happen at some point:) Don't forget to comment and vote! Love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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