Chapter 31

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Ava's POV

Throbbing pain.

That is my first thought when I wake up in a bed that isn't mine. Second thought-

Where am I?

I open my eyes and quickly shut them when I'm nearly blinded by the sun.

I try to sit up and succeed, rubbing my eyes drowsily. I'm wearing a dark grey t-shirt that is definitely not mine.

My golden locks are in tangles and my head is pounding. I eventually open my blue eyes more and almost fall off the bed when I realize where I am.

Harry's house.

I ignore the bright light and get out of bed, walking down the hall to the nicely decorated living room. I can't help smiling when I hear Harry curse from the kitchen and then a loud clanging.

I walk over to the bar overlooking the kitchen and sit down. Harry doesn't see me and when he does turn around, his green eyes widen.

"Do you have an aspirin?" Are the first words out of my mouth.

Harry nods and grabs some out of a cabinet, handing them to me.

"Water?" I laugh without really thinking about it.

Harry blushes slightly and gets me a cup of water. I gulp down the medicine, hoping that it will help with my awful headache.

"Okay um- would you like to tell me why I'm here?" I ask, not looking at Harry.

He clears his throat and says, "Yeah um well you were at a bar last night, got drunk, I came and got you, then got I to a fight, and here we are now."

My mouth drops slightly as memories flash through my mind. Meeting a dark-haired guy, dancing with him and then puking in the bathroom. I barely remember Harry walking in and holding my hair. But I can still recall the fear I felt when Harry fought that boy.

I'm pulled back to the present by Harry coughing quietly. My eyes widen when I notice his black eye and bruised jaw.

"Good god Harry," I mutter, getting up and walking over to him, "Who did you fight?"

"Eh- it was nothin I couldn't handle," he winks.

I run my fingers softly over his face, not really realizing what I was doing. Harry flinches a little and I immediately back away.

"Sorry," I mumble, unable to look into his green eyes.

"For what?" Harry asks, stepping towards me, "For showing your feelings? For still loving me just as much as I still love you?"

My head snaps up at his last words.

"Don't say that. You don't love me Harry, you proved that in September," I whisper.

Harry's eyes flash with pain.

"That was a mistake. The biggest mistake of my life, Ava. I never stopped loving you," he says, now standing directly in front of me.

"If it was a mistake, and you wish you didn't do it, then why didn't you run after me?" My eyes are now swimming with tears.

Harry sighs, "I don't know."

A tear falls down my cheek, and I'm about to wipe it away, but Harry beats me to it.

"What I do know," he continues, "Is that I don't love you any less then I did when I first met you and I want to start over, Ava."

His deep British accent sounds in my ears, the one that I've missed so much, but tried to not think about.

"Harry, you broke me. I can't forgive you right now, how do I know you won't just cheat on me again?" I reply bluntly.

Harry flinches, but then looks at me with determination in his green eyes.

"Because it was a mistake and I promise that I won't ever hurt you again. I was an idiot for doing that, but I was drunk and Kendall took advantage of that. I swear it, Ava."

The desperation in his voice convinces me but I can't let this go right away.

"I believe you," I mumble, "but I can't forgive and forget. Not yet."

Harry's green eyes shine with relief.

"Thank you. I understand love, but we can be friends," he has to force the word "friends" out

Harry steps forward and envelops me in a warm hug. I wrap my arms around him and breath in his comforting scent.

"But just friends," I whisper before pulling away.

"For now." Harry replies simply.


The truth is, I don't want to be "just friends" with Harry Styles. I still love him, even though I have spent the last 4 months persuading myself that I don't. As much as I want to forgive Harry, I can't forget the pain I've experienced because of him.

So unfortunatly, right now, Harry Styles and I are officially just friends.

Authors Note-

I really have nothing to say... Hahaha well I hope you liked the chapter, I guess. Can harry styles get any cuter. I don't think it's possible. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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