Chapter 34

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Ava's POV

The Christmas Eve party is in one hour and I have no idea what to wear. Red or green? Or is that too festive?

"LIZ!!! I need help," I yell from my closet.

"Well you have certainly called for the right person," she replies, pushing me away from my clothes.

I fall back on my bed with a loud sigh. I had invited Sara, Liz, Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Perrie, Eleanor and Louis to the party. Sadly only Liz, Sara, Niall, Liam, and Harry can come. Louis will be with Eleanor and Zayn and Perrie are currently visiting family as well.

"This is the perfect dress," Liz beams, skipping out of the closet holding up an adorable dress. I smile at her and quickly change, gasping when I see the amazing piece of clothing on me.

The dress is a light grey with lace sleeves that reach to my elbow. The soft fabric goes to mid-thigh and isn't too casual, but not extremely fancy either.

"Fantastic Liz! Could you possibly do my hair and makeup too?" I ask my brown eyed bestfriend.

"Of course! Sit down and don't look until I give you permission," she orders, leading me to a chair in my bedroom.


20 minutes later, I stand in front of the mirror, admiring what Liz has done with my hair and face.

My golden locks are tumbling down my back in waves. Surprisingly, my hair isn't frizzy at all. Liz has added some small braids that are sort of hidden in my hair, but the braids give my whole look a more natural effect.

I have smokey eyeshadow that goes perfectly with my grey dress. My lips are a bright red and my cheeks look great with a little blush. Liz hands me some red heels that I gladly accept.

"You might of outdone yourself this time," I smile brightly.

"Well I'm sure Harry won't be able to keep his eyes off you," she winks.

I had immediately texted Sara and Liz after Harry and I made up yesterday. They were both beyond happy.

Suddenly the doorbell rings and Liz follows me out of my room. We walk downstairs, Liz looking amazing in her red dress, and open the wooden door.

I'm front of me is Sara, wearing a cute dark green dress that brings out her green eyes, Liam and Niall looking great as always, and..... Harry.

The curly-haired boy is standing with his hands in his pockets gives me a cheeky grin, before stepping inside and wrapping his arms around me, kissing my forehead

"You look beautiful," he grins, dimples showing.

"You don't look too bad yourself, Styles," I smile, eying his black dress pants and white polo shirt.

Sara and Niall both give me a hug, before walking into the kitchen, holding hands. Liam has his arm around Liz's waist and can't seem to stop smiling at her.

I laugh softly at how cute they are.

"Come on guys," I say, grabbing Harry's hand and leading then to the kitchen.

My parents and their new friends from Holmes Chapel are all chatting merrily. I introduce my friends, but stop when I get to Harry.

"This is Harry, my um-" I don't really know what to say.

Harry notices my hesitation and quickly speaks up.

"Boyfriend," he grins cheekily, squeezing my hand.

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