Chapter 30

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Ava's POV

My encounter with Harry this afternoon definitely shook me.

So now I need to do something to keep my mind off of a certain curly-haired boy and my first thought was to party. Not the best idea, but my thoughts are currently clouded with pain.

So now, which is around 6:30, I'm starting to get ready for tonight. I first shower and shave, then walk into my large closet, letting out a loud sigh as I look through my endless supply of clothes.

A royal blue dress catches my eye and I pull it off the rack, holding it up. The dress is a thin, slightly sparkly material and isn't too revealing.

I slide it on and with difficulty, zip up the black zipper running down the back of my dress. I glance at the mirror, satisfied with how it hugs my curves, but still is very decent and not revealing.

I grab my curling iron and loosely curl my golden hair, smiling slightly when I finish. I put on some silver eye shadow along with black eye liner and mascara that makes my blue eyes look amazing.

I slip on some silver heals and grab a black clutch with shining silver studs. I finally add on some light pink lip gloss.

Let the night begin.


When I get to the club, I head straight to the bar, forgetting my promise that I made a while ago about not drinking.

My eyes scan the different choices of alcohol and I pick out some sort of creation that I've never heard of. The bartender is pretty cute with his sparkling brown eyes and blonde hair. Nothing like Harry though.

No, I can't keep comparing every guy I meet to Harry.

Tonight, I will forget about that green-eyed boy for once.


A few hours and way too many drinks later, my feet are killing me and my mind is fogged.

A couple minutes ago (i think) , a realllyy gorgeous guy showed up and let's just say he's extremely good with words.

"Thanks," I giggle to another one of his endless compliments.

"My pleasure," he flashes a beautiful grin, his blue eyes gleaming.

I take a sip of one of my many drinks and sigh. I don't know why I don't party more often. I feel a thought nagging me but I push it away and instead slur,

"Let's dance!"


Harry POV

From Louis:) Hey you might want to come to Greg's Bar. Ava is here and she's totally wasted.

My heart starts beating quickly. I've never seen Ava drink and when we went to a club last summer, she wouldn't even look at alcohol.

What is she doing at a club?!

To Louis:) On my way now. Keep an eye on her please.

I run out to my car and speed away, not caring how fast I'm going.


I run into the bar, ignoring the gasps at my appearance. I scan the crowd frantically, searching for the girl I love.

I panic a little when I don't see her, so I push past the many drunk people and desperately look for Louis.

I see him sitting at the bar with Eleanor, his girlfriend.

"Where is she?" I ask, trying to stay calm.

Thank god Louis isn't drunk.

"Bathroom," he replies, pointing behind me.

I thank him and fight through the sea of teenagers. I finally reach it and without hesitation, I walk right in to the girls bathroom. The sound of vomiting reaches my ears and Ava is standing in front of me, emptying her stomach, thankfully in the sink.

I walk swiftly to her and pull back her golden hair with one hand, rubbing circles on her back with my other.

When Ava finishes, she turns around unsteadily and grins drunkenly when her gorgeous blue eyes land on mine.

"Hey Harold," she slurs.

"We are leaving. Now," I demand, softly grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the bathroom. We cross through the crowd of people and finally exit the bar. I begin to lead her to my car when I hear footsteps behind us.

I turn around and see a dark haired extremely tall lad towering over Ava, but not me.

"What do you think your doing?" He growls at me.

Before I can respond, Ava giggles, "Travis!!"

His hard brown eyes land on her and I restrain myself from punching him when I notice the look he gives her.

"I think I should be the one asking that question," I spit, unable to control my anger.

"You think?" He ask, stepping forward and getting in my face, "I found her first. Find someone else idiot."

He then grabs Ava, ripping her from my grasp. The lad starts to drag Ava roughly away but he doesn't get far before I shove him.

"Don't touch her," I snarl, fuming.

"Like you can't stop me," he taunts.

I snap, swiftly stepping forward and connecting my fist with his face. The lad falls back, clutching his cheek.

He quickly recovers and leaps up, tackling me to the ground and kneeing my stomach, then quickly punching my jaw. I don't give him the satisfaction of knowing that it hurt and instead punch his gut then roll away from him while he spits out blood.

"Don't ever look at her again," I growl, my body alive with adrenaline.

I then turn to Ava who's cowering on the sidewalk.

"Let's go, babe," I mumble, picking her up bridal- style.

She doesn't resist and lays limp in my arms. My face is throbbing and it feels like I broke a rib.

But I would do it all again in a heartbeat to save the girl I love.

Authors Note-

Well this was cuteee. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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