Chapter 11

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Authors Note-

IM IN LOVE WITH THIS CHAPTER! ❤️ I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did!

Ava's POV

About 15 minutes later, Harry and I are driving on a rocky road that leads through woods. I have to admit, I'm a little suspicious of where he is taking me.

"Um Harry? Where exactly are we again?"

"We're almost there. You're kind of impatient, you know that right?" He grins.

"I get that a lot," I say, sarcastically.

I'm a little relived but still unsure of how the next couple hours will go. We pull into a large clearing and exit the car. Harry grabs my hand and leads my down a narrow path, with tall trees towering over us. The woods clear and there is a huge lake glistening in front of us with a boardwalk leading out onto the water. I'm instantly reminded of the gardens, but this lake is way bigger and on the wooden boardwalk, there's a small table with a white table-cloth draped over it. Harry leads me to the table and sitting on it is a bouquet of red roses, with two silver plates and silver ware. A candle glows on the center of the table.

"Your dinner is served," Harry grins, pulling out a chair for me.

"Oh well thank you," I blush.

Harry sits down and pulls a basket out from under the table, opening it to reveal a large bowl of spaghetti with 2 cokes.

"Don't want our first date to be too crazy," Harry states as he sets the coke in front of me and then scoops some spaghetti onto my plate.

I can't help but think that there is another reason behind the coke. Considering last time I was with him and offered alcohol, I ran away.

"Thanks Harry, I have to admit, you did a fantastic job," I grin, before eating some of the mouth-watering noodles.

Harry chuckles, "I know love, this took some serious planning I have to tell you."

His accent is so adorable. In fact that's how I would describe Harry in general. Adorable. From his brown curls, to his dimples, green eyes and accent. I love it all.

"So whats Kendall like?" I ask, sipping my coke.

"We're back to her again?" Harry grins, raising his eyebrows.

I nod and he continues, "She's really nice and funny, I bet you'd actually like her if you weren't so jealous."

I choke on my soda, and cover my face with my hands, attempting to hide my red cheeks.

"Harold! I am not jealous!"

"Oh sure, love. Moving on," he smirks when I glare at him, "I enjoy hanging out with her because we are friends of course, but I think of her more as a little sister."

My shoulders relax at his last words.

"So why is management making you date her then?"

"Well One Direction just released a new album called Midnight Memories and management wants more publicity. It's silly really, especially because of the fans reactions when they found out we are dating."

"Then why would management end your relationship just because you asked them to?" I frown.

"Well that's the thing, I don't know if they will, but there's a chance that it could happen. I hate this fake dating because I want an actual girlfriend, you know?"

I blush at his last words and look down at my empty plate.

"Want to go swimming?" Harry asks, abandoning our conversation about Kendall.

"Sure, but you have to jump in first!" I giggle.

Harry quickly nods and takes off his shirt and shoes, running to the end of the dock. He winks at me before jumping in. I slide off my sundress and reveal my cute bathing suit. Harry still hasn't come up yet and I'm a little worried. I peer over the edge of the dock and scream when Harry shoots out of the water.


He just laughs, "Well are you coming in or not? I promise the water isn't cold."

I shake my head, reluctant to swim in the dark lake

"Who knows what's in there?" I say, sitting down and carefully setting my feet in the cool water.

"Fine, suit yourself."

Harry dives under water and disappears. The sun is beginning to set and the sky is breath-taking, with pinks and oranges scattered around. I turn my attention back to the water and guess what? No Harry. I scan the small waves, but still don't see a head of brown curls anywhere.

"What the-" I scream, as I feel someone push my into the water.

My words are cut off as my head goes under. I swim quickly up to the surface and see Harry on the boardwalk, laughing.

"HARRY ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" I shout, attempting to act mad.

"I wish I could of seen your face!" Harry chuckles, his green eyes dancing with mischief.

"I'm going to punch you," I glare.

Harry doesn't seem bothered and instead of replying, he jumps into the water, almost landing on me. He surfaces and I punch his shoulder as hard as I can, which honestly, is pretty weak.

"That really hurt!" Harry laughs.

I ignore him and instead ask, "Wanna race? I bet I could beat you by a mile."

"Liar! Okay let's race to that log," Harry grins, pointing about 100 meters away.

"Perfect! On the count of 3.



3!!!" I yell, diving under water.

My world is immediately thrown into a blue haze. I kick my legs and propel forward. Coming up for air, I notice that the brown log is about 15 feet from me and I'm about to swim towards it when Harry grabs my foot, pulling me back.

"Fancy seeing you hear," Harry smirks, letting go of me and swimming to the log, reaching it first.

"Harry," I whine, "that's not fair!"

I paddle to Harry and glare at him.

"Well life isn't fair is it now?" He smiles, before pulling me to him and placing his lips on mine.

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