Chapter 27

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Ava's POV

It's now September 21 and I just got off Skype because I was video chatting Liz and Sara. They both said LA is great but would be way more fun with me. I of course told them that college is more important, and they just laughed. I'm really proud of Liz because her music career is actually progressing and she already has a good amount of fans.

I hate to admit it, but Harry and I aren't talking as much as we used to. It's probably because he's extremely busy, but I'm still a little worried.

Im leaving Friday morning to visit Harry as a surprise and hopefully things will be like they always have with us. It's not like we've fought, but he just doesn't text me that much anymore.

But I trust Harry and I love him, there's no way he would ever hurt me.

I just wish I knew how wrong I was.....



I leave at 11:00 am for LA and I'm beyond excited. It's currently 9:30 and I just finished getting ready for my flight. I'm wearing light denim jean shorts with a sky blue tank top. My golden locks are falling down my back with small braids mixed in here and there. I have simple mascara and eyeliner on, but I need to wear sunglasses so I wont be recognized. I pull a black beanie on, just in case the sunglasses aren't enough. My silver necklace from Harry is around my neck, and it gleams when I turn my head.

"Hey Al, I'm heading out, if all goes well, I should be back Sunday evening," I whisper, shaking my roommates shoulder to wake her up.

"Go get some..." She mumbles back.

I laugh quietly and grab my coach suitcase, closing the door softly as I exit my dorm.

I drive quickly to the airport and go through security without any problems and by the time I sit down in the terminal, I still haven't been recognized as Harry Styles' Girlfriend.

They announce that my flight is ready for boarding around 10:55 and I jump up excitedly.

In less then 8 hours, I'll be in Harry's arms. Let's just say, I can't wait to get off this plane.


LA is absolutely beautiful is my first thought as I leave the airport in a cab.

I had texted louis when I landed and asked for Harry's address. This boy has more houses then anyone else that I know. The ride is surprisingly short and soon, the cab driver is pulling onto the driveway of a adorable one-story house. I'm honestly surprised by Harry's taste in decorations but not at all in the location of the house. It's extremely close to downtown (within walking distance). I approach the house with my suitcase in my hand and knock on the black door.

I hear walking and the door opens slightly, revealing a shirtless, sleepy looking Harry.

"Hey," I grin widely.

Harry looks bewildered and his jaw drops.

"A- Ava?" He stutters cutely.

"That me.." I laugh.

Harry just stand there staring at me with amazement in his green eyes and something else that I can't quite place. It kind of looks like panic.

"Umm- are you going to let me in?" I ask, shuffling my feet awkwardly.

"Yeah- listen babe, nows not th-" Harry is cut off by someone wrapping their arms around him from behind.

Harry's eyes shut tightly and he sighs.

I just stand there, not believing what I'm seeing when Kendall emerges from behind my boyfriend with a silly smile on her face. It quickly turns to a frown when she sees me.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, not rudely though.

"I think I should be the one asking that question," I growl, eyeing her outfit which only consists of a long black t-shirt that looks disturbingly like my boyfriend's.

She doesn't answer me so I glare at Harry. I can't really process what going on because I don't want to believe it.

Harry's green eyes are glued to his feet. I used to adore those amazing irises but now I don't think I could ever stand to look into them again.

"You. Make. Me. Sick," I snarl, whipping around and storming away, but not before flipping Harry off.

He doesn't call my name. He doesn't chase after me. Harry just stands there, immobile while I, the girl he supposedly loves, runs away.

And then it slowly dawns on me. Harry Styles doesn't love me. I would be surprised if he actually ever did. When I realize that, the tears start to fall and I can't stop them, no matter how hard I try.

Authors Note-

DUN DUN DUN. wow I'm really sorry for that awful chapter lovelies. Just keep reading:)

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