Chapter 2

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Ava's POV

After I sign the papers and pay for Jasper I go to the gift shop that is at the Shelter. They must have every single item in the world that you can buy for your pet. I go to the dog section and find a large red collar and a long skinny black leash. I grab some dog food off of the counter with two big black bowls that have dog paws all over them. As I make my way to check out I see a giant brown dog bed that looks so comfy I could sleep in it. I immediately take it off the shelf and set my things on the counter.

"Is this all for you?" The cashier asks.

"Yes, it is." I tell her.

Once I buy my things, I walk back to Jasper's cage and open it. He hesitantly creeps up to me and I rub his head to comfort him. I slip the red collar on and attach his leash. He walks out of the cage and changes before my eyes. Instead if being shy and hesitant like he was in the cage, he is now standing tall and proud. Jasper pulls on the the lead and I walk with him out of the shelter. We hop in the car, but instead of going home I drive to the park.

When we get there I jump out of my red truck and grab Jasper's leash. He leaps out after me and we enter the park. Jasper seems like a different dog now that he's out of the shelter. He sniffs every tree, but I don't here him bark at all even when other dogs yap their heads off at him. He just looks at them as if to say "I'm too good for you." We start jogging and pass through multiple wooded areas. When we reach the end of the woods, I notice that we've reached the area I saw Harry yesterday. I quickly shove the thought of seeing him out of my head and run faster. I hear footsteps behind me and turn my head to see another person jogging. As I turn back around, Jasper suddenly shoots in front of me and I trip over him and slam into another body. I look up into a pair of green eyes that I would never forget. Standing in front of me is Harry Styles.

"Fancy seeing you here again," he smirks.

"What are you doing here?" I ask angrily. Apparently my frustration doesn't bother him because he doesn't stop smiling.

"It's a park. Am I not allowed to be here, love?" Harry grins.

"Don't you have better things to do since your apart of that boy-band? Since your soooo famous shouldn't you be on tour or something?" I question him, attempting to catch Harry off-guard. It doesn't work at all.

"We just finished our tour and an album, so no. This is our break, we get the summer off to visit with our families and relax."

I roll my eyee as I reply, "Well why do you always come to the park? Don't tell me you come here everyday."

If it was possible, Harry's smirk grew even bigger. "Actually when I was younger, I came here all the time, so now that I don't have anything to do, I might as well come to the park!"

His green eyes are lit up with excitement and I have trouble remembering what I was about to say. I shake my head and reply lazily, "Well, I don't want to get in your way," and begin to talk in the other direction.

"Hey wait! I need to ask you something!" Harry yells after me.

I stop and turn around, glancing at him as I reply, "What?"

He stops in front of me and glances at Jasper as if seeing him for the first time. "Nice dog you have there, love. Anyway," he continues when I roll my blue eyes, "I was wondering if you would like to maybe hang out sometime? I think you would end up liking our music once you hear it."

My eyes widen as I stare at him in disbelief. Why would Harry Styles want to hang out with me? I immediately start to deny his request, but the look In his eyes make me want to say yes.

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