Chapter 25

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Ava's POV

"Have a safe drive, and text me when you get there!" Ally calls as Harry and I leave my dorm.

"Sounds good!" I reply and press the button for the elevator.

As we enter it, Harry says, "I like her."

I smile and nudge his shoulder.

"More then me?" I ask, trying to sound hurt.

"Of course not, I love you," He winks.

Harry wraps his arms around me, kissing the top of my forehead and I rest my head on his chest. I wish I didn't have to give this up on Monday.

"I love you too, Harry," I grin.


"IM HOME!" I yell, stepping into the kitchen.

My giant German shepherd lunges towards me and attacks my face with his tongue. Ugh gross.

"Down Jasper," I laugh, pushing him off me.

"Happy late birthday, darling," my dad smiles, standing up from his chair and hugging me.

I really missed his small blue eyes and kind smile.

"Thanks dad."

"Nice to see you again, sir," Harry says, shaking my dad's hand.

"You too, kid."

I almost laugh at their formalness.

"So where's mom?" I ask.

"At the grocery store, she should be home soon." dad replies.

"Okay well we will be at the park," I smile, taking Harry's hand and leading him to the front door.

True, I hadn't seen my parents in a couple weeks, but I'm not going to spend every waking moment with them this weekend.

Harry and I get in my red truck that we drove here and drive to the park. At the moment, I'm wearing white capris with a dark pink button up blouse. My golden brown hair is in a high bun and I'm wearing leather flip flops on my feet. Harry and I both have sunglasses on and Harry's wearing a blue beanie, partly hiding his curls.

We get out of the truck and enter the beautiful park, holding hands. I laugh at the squirrels chasing each other to our right and listen to the birds singing in the trees. Harry smiles at me the entire time and I look over at him every now and then and grin back. The first hour of our walk is absolutely perfect. We sit down on a wooden bench that's situated next to a shining lake with little kids skipping rocks on its small waves.

"I wish things could always be this easy," I sigh, resting my head on Harry's shoulder.

"Me too, babe," his deep British accent responds.

Harry and I sit in silence for a few minutes before our dream world is interrupted by clicking and shouts. We turn around quickly and our mouths drop at the paps taking photos of us.

Harry grabs my hand and whispers over the noise, "Stay close, and try not to answer to many questions."

He then leads me through the crowd of yelling paparazzi's.

"Are you Ava?"

"Is Harry cheating on you with Kendall?"

"What's it like dating a player?"

I attempt to ignore the questions, even though a lot are extremely hurtful. Harry's green eyes are flashing dangerously and he's breathing heavily. I squeeze his hand, trying to calm him down.

"Yes, this is Ava and no I'm definitely NOT cheating on her with my ex," he snarls, pulling me roughly past the photographers.

They follow us to our car and when we get in it, Harry speeds away, narrowly dodging the paps.

"Harry," I say loudly, "I won't ever listen to what they say about you. I know it isn't true."

Harry is still extremely tense and his shoulders are rising and lowering rapidly.

"Hey, don't let them get to you," I say, grabbing his free hand and kissing it softly, "I love you Harry, and nothing they say will change that."

He finally relaxes and glances at me with a small reassuring smile on his handsome face.

"Thanks, love."


"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to Ava... Happy birthday to you!" My parents and Harry sing.

We are all sitting in the dining room with the lights turned off and the candles on my cake making our faces glow slightly.

I suck in and release a breath of air, blowing out the candles on my chocolate birthday cake.

"Thanks guys, this is great," I grin.

"Anything for you, sweetheart," my mom replies, taking a large knife and slicing small pieces of the desert.

Harry walks up to me from behind and wraps his arms around my waist, kissing the top of my head. I see my dad eying us and I have trouble keeping my laughter in.

Right now, I don't have to worry about Harry leaving on Monday because this moment was perfect and I couldn't ask for anything better.

Authors Note-

Thanks for 466 reads lovelies:) Prepare youselves for some drama coming up...

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