Chapter 19

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Ava's POV

"You like me?" I whisper.

Harry's green eyes widen with surprise.

"Why wouldn't I?"

It takes a few seconds for me to answer.

"I'm a nobody...."

Harry grabs my hands and kisses my forehead.

"That's the silliest thing I've ever heard, Ava. You are so amazing and beautiful, don't you ever think differently. I look forward to the day that I can call you mine," Harry blurts, his cheeks turning a slight pink.

I blush unwillingly and I honestly don't know what to say to Harry.

"Your perfect to me," he mumbles.

I'm momentarily speechless. So instead of replying, I squeeze Harry's large hands and smile.

"Thanks," I stutter, quietly.

"I really like you Ava and nothing would make me happier than if you were always by my side. I hope you will just consider my question."

I grin slyly at Harry before saying, "Oh I know my answer Harold."

Harry looks at me, his expression nervous.

I drop his hands and get up slowly.

"I'm not really looking for a boyfriend at the moment...."

Harry's face falls and he nods slowly.

There's a pause before I laugh quietly and whisper,

"But, your an exception."

Harry's face is priceless. It take a moment for him to register what I said and when he does, he leaps up and envelops me in a huge hug, twirling us around.

"So you will?" Harry asks, his voice muffled because he has his head buried in my brown hair.

"Of course. I would love to be your girlfriend Harry Styles," I smiles widely, ruffling his perfect curls.

Harry grins and then places his hands on my cheeks, kissing me softly.


"YOUR WHAT?!" Liz screams.

"THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" Sara yells, her green eyes shining.

"I'm going deaf guys. Calm yourselves down or else I won't tell you anything," I roll my eyes.

After I said yes to Harry, he drove me home because I had to tell Sara and Liz before they found out by themselves. If someone would of told them before I did, the girls would of killed me. So here we are, me sitting on my bed, and Sara and Liz jumping in front of me. They are squealing so loudly, my ears are ringing.

"I totally knew this was going to happen," Liz giggles, bringing her voice down a bit.

"Oh sure you did," I say.

Liz and Sara begin talking excitedly again. A random thought pops into my head.

"Wait. Are you guys going to college?"

My friends stare at me like I've grown an extra head.

"Are you you really asking us that?"

I nod at Sara.

"Well I'm not. I'm 22 and Sara is 21. I'm trying to get into a music career anyway," Liz states.

"Really?? So you sing then?" I ask her.

"A little. Liam said I should give it a try."

"Don't listen to her, Ava. She's amazing," Sara smacks Liz lightly on the arm.

"Well what about you Sara?"

"Oh I just go where Niall is, so there isn't time for school. Besides, I won't need a serious job for a while, considering money isn't a problem," Sara explains.


"Are you going to college, Ava?" Liz questions.

"Yeah, I want to be a vet I think."

"Where are you going?"

"Manchester." I reply.

"Well that's not too far away! So we should be able to visit you all the time. Unless we are in LA of course," Liz attempts to comfort me.

"Wait what?! Why would you be in LA?"

Sara and Liz exchange a nervous glance.

"Umm- the uh boys go there in August every year to uh record and stuff..." Sara trails off, not making eye contact with me.

"Oh... Harry hasn't said anything about that."

"I'm sure he is going to soon. Don't worry about it Ava," Liz smiles slightly.

"Yeah I guess we will see....."


To Harry:) I need to talk to you. Please come over.

From Harry:) On my way:))

I sigh loudly, falling back onto my puffy comforter. Liz and Sara left a little while ago, claiming that they had things to do. I think they just wanted to give me time alone though. I don't understand why Harry hasn't said anything about leaving. Sure, we've only been officially together for a couple hours but that's extremely important. It's July 3rd today and if I'm accepted at Manchester, I would probably have to be there around August 3rd so I can move into my dorm.

That gives Harry and I one month. I'm deep in thought still, when I hear a soft knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in!"

"Hey, love," Harry grins, closing the door behind him. He walks over to me and sits down on my bed. As usual, Harry looks amazing with his curls and dimples.

"Hey, so we need to talk," I tell him.

"Your not breaking up with me already, are you?" Harry frowns.

I can't help the giggle that escapes my lips.

"No, of course not, it's just... I heard some interesting new today from Liz and Sara."

"And what might that be?" He asks, takin my hands and drawing small circles on them.

"They told me that... Uh- your leaving in August to go to LA."

Harry slowly drops my small hands, frowning.

"I was going to tell you, Ava. I just didn't know how to."

"Harry, you know I'm leaving around August 3rd to go to Manchester?" I sigh.

"Really? You will love it there, I've heard great things."

"Yeah, but no getting off topic."

"I suppose I should tell you about that now...." Harry trails off.

I narrow my blue eyes and he continues.

"Yeah erm... The lads and I have to go to LA in the beginning of August. That's when our break ends. We leave August 1st."

My mouth falls open slightly and my eyes begin to water, but I quickly recover.

"Well I guess we will just have to make these last 29 days the best of our lives."

Authors Note-

Such a cute chapter:) I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long! I just haven't had the time. Get ready for some upcoming drama💕💕

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