Chapter 12

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Ava's POV

"So does this mean your dating?" Liz squeals, popping a carrot in her mouth.

"I don't know! It's confusing with this Kendall drama. And we can't actually date when Kendall's in the picture. Besides, Harry hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend, so technically, we aren't dating." I frown, grabbing a celery stick.

I really don't know what to call Harry and I. After the date yesterday, I was even more confused, so today I called Sara and Liz and we got together at my house.

"Well he obviously likes you, Ava. Once the contract with Kendall is over, there won't be anything in your way!" Sara grins, her green eyes lighting up.

"I'm not so sure, Sara. It's more confusing than that, you can't just break a contract."

"Come on Ava! You can't worry so much," Liz exclaims, obviously agreeing with Sara.

"Me? Worry?" I say, acting confused.

Sara and Liz just laugh, grabbing more veggies from the plate sitting on my kitchen table.


Later that day, I got a call from Harry.


"Hey love! I need to talk to you, meet me at the playground in 20?"

"Harry! You are terrible at planning," I groan.

Liz and Sara immediately start to giggle when they hear me say Harry's name. They're so immature.

"I know I know! But please? It's important," Harry pleads.

"Fine, see you then!"

We exchange goodbyes and I hang up. Sara and Liz are both grinning widely at me.

"What?" I mumble, avoiding eye contact.

"You like him! You like him!" Liz sings.

I blush, and quickly get up from my chair, walking to the stairs. My friends follow me, giggling.


Ten minutes later, Sara, Liz and I are exiting the house. I'm now wearing white denim jean-shorts with a black loose-hanging shirt. My leather flipflops clop noisily on the ground and my golden hair is thrown up in a high messy bun.

"I'll call you guys later!" I yell out of my truck's window.

"Have fun!" Sara and Liz reply.

I drive quickly to the park and walk to the playground. I see Harry wearing a dark red shirt, with long black basketball shorts. His brown curls look as adorable as always. He's sitting on a swing, slowly gliding back and forth.

"Hey," I grin, plopping down on the swing next to him.

"Hey," Harry smiles.

"So what's so important?"

Harry sighs dramatically, "Well I talked to management about Kendall...."

"And?" I question him.

"They said they can break it off in a week or two!"

I smile, but it turns into a frown when I see the look on Harry's face.

"But?" I guess, knowing somethings wrong.

"I have to go to L.A. to spend time with her, and then they can figure out a way for us to end things," Harry sighs.

"Well when do you have to go?"


"HAROLD!" I yell.

"Hey I'm sorry love! It's a last minute kind of thing.... You want Kendall and I to break up don't you?"

"Well duh! But- oh i don't know, it's just frustrating." I mutter.

"I know I know...." Harry trails off, reaching over to me and tucking a stray piece of golden hair behind my ear.

My cheeks quickly heat up.

"How long are you staying there?"

"1 week and 2 days." Harry frowns.

I sigh softly and stand up, grabbing Harry's hand hesitantly, "Lets go for a walk."

Harry smiles and his green eyes light up. His dimples are clearly showing and I'm tempted to poke one, but I don't.

"We can go out to eat tonight, but not a date because we don't want to give anything away," Harry suggests.

"Sounds good! Can we get pizza?"

"Anything for you love," Harry grins, kissing my nose.

Authors Note-

So what do you think will happen with Kendall and Harry? I mean no disrespect to Kendall in this story, I actually really like her, just not so much her and Harry together😳. Comment and vote lovelies💕💕💕💕

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