Chapter 23

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Ava's POV

It's now August 28 and a Wednesday. My birthday is tomorrow and on Friday I'm driving home. My classes started on August 13 and they are amazing so far.

Ally and I are down at the Community Center, watching TV and I'm scrolling through the channels. A certain one catches my attention and I see a familiar group of 5 boys.

The older looking interviewer welcomes them onto stage and quickly launches into multiple questions.

"Harry, I've heard that you are no longer dating Kendall Jenner, is that true?" He asks my curly-haired boyfriend.

"Yeah- um we broke up in the beginning of July," Harry replies.

I've missed that British accent so much.

"I see, and are you still single?"

My mouth drops open slightly. This is it.

"Actually, no."

"Who's the lucky lady? Is she a fan?" The interviewer questions Harry.

"Her name is Ava Thomas," Harry grins, "and not really, she didn't even know who One Direction was when we met."

I don't here the interviewers reply because Ally tackles me off the couch.


I break out of her grip and laugh loudly.

"I couldn't tell anyone. Management said that I had to keep it a secret until Harry announces it."

Ally's mouth drops open and she looks at me in amazement.

"I know. It's hard to believe," I smile.


I wake up the next day to a loud pounding on my door. I look around and notice that ally isn't in the room. My clock says it's 8:30 and my first class starts at 11:00. Who in the world would be knocking on my door at this hour.

I slowly get out of bed and trudge to the door, not caring that I'm only wearing short pink shorts and a black tank top.

I open the door and my mouth falls open when I look into a familiar pair of green eyes.


"Happy birthday, love," he grins, dimples showing.

"I- how- why are you here?" I stutter.

"Because it's your birthday and I missed you," he states, stepping forward and hugging me tightly.

"I missed you too, but you know I have class in 2 hours," I frown.

"Yeah- well your skipping."

Harry's eyes glint mischievously as I raise my eyebrows.

"I can't skip class! I'm in college!" I exclaim.

"Ava, it's your birthday and your wonderful boyfriend is visiting, so there for, you are skipping class," Harry winks.

"You will be the death of me Harry Styles," I sigh stepping on my tip-toes and kissing him.

Authors Note-

Sorry for this short chapter lovelies. But isnt Harry so cute?! 

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