Chapter 21

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Ava's POV


Tomorrow, Harry leaves for LA.

And in 5 days, I leave for Manchester University. My feelings are so screwed up right now, I don't know if I should be sad that Harry's leaving or happy that I'm finally going to college. The last 27 days have absolutely flown by. Almost every one of them was spent with Harry or the girls. I just can't believe that they are all leaving, including the rest of the boys, who I had happened to become extremely close to. Especially Louis.

"What are you thinking about, love?" Harry's raspy voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

"You. Us. Everything." I reply with a shrug.

Harry's eyebrows raise slightly.

"And why is that?"

I sigh and put my head in his lap, gazing up at the stars in the sky. Harry had decided to take me to this huge field that he came to all the time during his childhood. So here we are, lying in the long grass, staring at the sky.

"I'm just going to miss you all. So much," I whisper.

Harry's large hand strokes my face softly.

"We all will miss you just as much. But you will always come visit us, love. And before you know it, Christmas will be here and the boys and I get about a month off."

I know Harry is trying to make me see the bright side in this, but I can't. My famous, extremely attractive boyfriend will be in LA for 5 months and then has to go back after only 4 weeks at home. I can't help but think of all the things that could go wrong. Long distance relationships almost never work. Every single teenage girl is already in love with him. Other celebrities are in love with him and who knows what will happen when I'm at Manchester. I trust Harry, but some things are beyond his control. Also, nobody knows about us, except management and our friends, and they said Harry will announce our relationship once he arrives in LA. I just can't help the bad thoughts going through my head.

"Ava. Everything will be alright. Distance won't matter because we will Skype and text and call each other every day," Harry says, still stroking my cheek.

"I know Harry."

I close my eyes before tears can escape them. I won't cry now, it would ruin the moment. So instead I sit up and kiss Harry softly, ignoring my aching heart.


I wake up to soft snores echoing in my ear and Harry's arm slung lightly around my waist. His brown curls are all over the place and his mouth is slightly open. I feel a single tear fall down my face and quickly wipe it away. After hanging out with Harry at the field last night, we came to his house and watched movies for hours and just sat on the couch, enjoying each other's company. I told my parents that I was sleeping over at Liz's house, because I knew they wouldn't let me stay with Harry. But I had to. I couldn't leave my curly-haired boyfriend knowing that the next day he would be gone. So instead, I lied to my parents and stayed with him.

Currently, it's 9:30 and Harry leaves for the airport at 11:00 and is meeting everyone else there. His flight is at 2:00, but he has to get there early in case of paparazzi or fans. I don't want to disturb his slumber, but I have to wake him up so he can get ready.

"Harry. Babe, it's time to get up," I whisper, kissing his nose.

Harry groans and doesn't reply, just tightens his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"Harold. You have to get up, you can't miss your flight," I giggle, kissing both of his closed eyelids.

Harry smiles slightly and his dimples show. I poke them softly and his grin grows, revealing his perfect teeth.

"I can miss my flight," he mumbles.

"No you can't, you have to go to LA," I smile sadly.

Harry slowly opens his eyes and his green gaze settles on me.

"I don't want to..." He replies, kissing me softly.

"But you have to."

Harry's eyes are filled with sadness and I guarantee mine are the same way.

"I'm going to miss you so much," he sighs, sitting up.

"I'll miss you even more," I grin slightly.

"That's impossible."

Before I can reply Harry leans down and kisses me. I can't even explain how much I'm going to miss this.


Harry and I arrive at the airport around 11:15, because he wouldn't get out of bed. We easily spot our friends by the entrance, all wearing disguises. Harry and I walk over to them and Liz and Sara immediately tackle me in a huge hug.

"I'm going to miss you so much, it hurts already," Liz cries.

"I second that," Sara replies.

I hold in my tears as my bestfriends continue to hug me, none of us willing to be the first to pull away.

"Me too, guys," I mumble.

Someone coughs lightly and we all pull away. I grin when I notice it was Louis.

"I feel left out," he sighs dramatically, and I throw my arms around him.

"I'll miss you also Lou. Have fun with Eleanor," I smile a little. Louis' girlfriend was meeting them in LA.

I pull away and hug Liam, Niall, and Zayn. My chest feels like it going to collapse from holding back tears.

"I love you all! See you soon I hope!" I yell as the girls and 4/5 of one direction walk up to security. Liz and Sara wave sadly and I reluctantly tear my gaze from them and look at Harry. He's standing in front of me with his hands in his pockets, green eyes staring at his feet.

"Harry..." I trail off.

He immediately looks up and the sadness in his eyes breaks my heart. Tears escape and stream down my face.

Harry steps forward and envelops me in a huge hug, his face buried in my hair.

"I'm going to miss you, so much." He mumbles.

"I'll miss you more," I repeat.

"That's impossible," Harry smiles slightly, but it doesn't reach his sad eyes.

He leans down and kisses me softly, his hands cupping my face.

Louis calls his name and we break apart. I rest my forehead on Harry's and cry silently.

"I'll text you when I land, love," Harry whispers, pulling away.

"Don't forget..." I mumble.

"Never," Harry smiles, dimples showing. He looks like he wants to say something else, but just as he opens his mouth, a crowd of people separates us.

Authors Note-

First of all, I would like to congratulate myself on writing two chapters in one night. Second, THAT WAS SO SAD. Like I keep mentioning, drama is slowly approaching lovelies. Get ready to hate me💕💕💕💕💕💕 💕💕💕

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