Chapter 5

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Ava's POV

I woke up the next day and smiled to myself, remembering mine and Harry's quick hug from last night. I really need to stop thinking about Harry because I don't like him in that way. We are definitely just friends, even if Sara and Liz think differently. Getting up, I grab my phone and I have 1 new message from, Harry:).

From Harry:) Hey love want to hang out today?? Xx

My heart flutters when I open the message, quickly replying,

To Harry:) Sure! Sounds great, meet me at the park around 12?

From Harry:) Perfect, see you at the playground!

I type with a quick glance at the clock, noticing I have 1 hour until I have to leave.

"Jasper, can you please get up?" I mutter, pushing the huge German Shepard off of me.

Walking to the bathroom, I take a quick look at myself in the mirror, glaring at my messy hair. I quickly brush my teeth and run a brush through my golden locks, wincing when it gets caught in some tangles. I throw on a loose grey shirt that has cut off sleeves, so you can see my hot pink sports bra underneath. I pull on some tight black running leggings and slip on my sneakers. I toss my hair in a messy ponytail and jog downstairs.

"Hey mom!" I greet her, grabbing a box of cereal.

"Hi sweetie! You seem excited."

I pour my cereal into a bowl, and add milk before replying, "I'm just happy for once, you know since the accident I haven't had anyone or anything to really live for except you and dad. It's nice to finally have friends."

"Of course, Ava. I'm assuming your going for a run?"

"Yep! I'm going to leave Jasper here though, because Harry's meeting me at the park," I inform her.

She gives me a knowing smile that I don't really understand, but let it slide. Looking at the clock, I jump in surprise. It's already 11:30, so I should get going.

"Bye mom! Love you," I say, kissing her cheek.

Leaving my house, I jog down the street towards the park. After about 10 minutes, I arrive at the playground and look for Harry. I don't see him so I pull out my phone, but receive a text message first.

From Harry:) I see youuuu! Come find me:)

I roll my eyes, hoping that he will notice it. Climbing up a ladder I run through the playground, calling Harry's name every now and then. I walk into a closed off area that has an entrance to a slide. I walk towards it and peer inside, letting out a squeal as I feel strong arms wrap around my waist and lift me in the air.

"Hey Ava," Harry grins, his breath tickling my ear.

"Harry put me down," I giggle.

"Fine, fine did I surprise you?" He asks me, jumping up and down like a little kid.

"Sure you did, considering I almost fell into the slide."

Harry finally let's go of me and I turn around, suddenly realizing how close we are.

"Your so beautiful," he whispers, causing me to blush. Why is he always so random??

"Thanks," I stutter.

His eyes kind of hold me in a trance and I feel myself getting lost in the pools of emerald. I don't really know what's happening, but Harry's leaning in. Have I ever even kissed a guy before? Of course I wouldn't really remember, but I can't dwell on it any longer because the moment is interrupted with a little kid running in between Harry and I, resulting in us jumping apart. Harry styles almost kissed me. This really can't be happening. But if I admit it, I really wouldn't have minded.

"Come on, love. Let's go get something to eat," Harry's grins, taking my hand.

This is going to be extremely awkward.

Authors Note-

Awwwww, Hava???

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