Chapter 6

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Ava's POV

"We almost kissed, almost is the key word in that sentence guys," I groaned.

Liz and Sara are walking next to me, squealing like little kids. I had texted them the day after Harry and I had hung out and they wanted to meet right away, so I could tell them the details. So here we are, walking through the mall and getting strange looks from other people because of the girls behavior.

"So what! Now you know for a fact he likes you Ava," Liz shouted.

"Keep your voice down! It's not that big of a deal guys. Remember, I don't want a boyfriend so calm down."

Sara grins at me, obviously not believing what I had just said, "Oh come on Ava, we all know Harry is an exception. You should see the way he looks at you, it's just so romantic," she sighs, with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Good god Sara, you have Niall, go hang out with him," Liz smirks.

"HEY, that was uncalled for."

Liz and I just laugh, our eyes scanning the stores.

"Maybe I was imagining the almost kiss, it was kind of dark in there, you never really know," I say, trying to convince myself.

"Oh sure Ava. But we can figure that out tonight cause we are meeting the boys and going to a club, you don't have to worry about age limits cause we know people," Liz giggles.

Oh no. If I'm honest with myself, I've actually been avoiding Harry. I haven't responded to his texts because I really need time to think about yesterday.

"Perfect, this is going to be just perfect," I mutter, sarcastically.


"This dress is amazing, wear it," Sara demands, throwing the piece of clothing at me.

The dress was silver and didn't look too short.

"Fine, be right back."

I go to the bathroom and change into the dress, immediately loving how it makes me look. The dress reaches to mid-thigh. It's strapless and it makes me feel a bit vulnerable, so I will definitely be wearing a black leather jacket. But other then that, I love how the shiny silver material hugs my body and glimmers when i move.

"I love it!" I shout, walking back into Sara's room.

"Perfect! I knew you would, wear these heels," Sara replies, handing me red heels, that will make me a lot taller, considering I'm tiny.

"Thanks, do you have a leather jacket?"

Sara answers me by grabbing one out of her closet and handing it over.

I slip it on and out on my heels, sitting down in front of her mirror. Liz walks in the room and flashes a smile at me.

"Hair and makeup time!"


After a lot of hair pulling and sneezing, Liz and Sara finally finished my hair and makeup. They had applied some dark eyeshadow that kind of had some silver in it, and it flashed a little when I blinked my blue eyes. My lipstick was red and my golden hair was straightened to perfection.

"Wow guys, thank you," I exclaim, smiling at Sara and Liz.

"No problem! What are best friends for?" Liz winks.

We head downstairs at around 8 and leave for the club. Sara is wearing some cute leather pants with a skinny green top, her hair is also straightened. Liz is wearing a dress similar to mine, but it is a aqua color and her hair is in a high bun.

"Let's do this girls," Sara laughs.


The club is big and loud. I seriously think the music is making me go deaf as Sara and Liz lead me to the VIP section in the back. Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Perrie, Louis, and Eleanor are sitting at a table and they all grin at us, as we walk up to them.

"Hey guys!" I shout over the music, luckily it isn't that bad back here.

"Hello! Glad you could join us," Harry smiles cheekily.

The girls and I sit down, and what do you know, I'm next to Harry.

"You've been to a club before, yeah?" Zayn asks me from across the table.

I don't really know if I have, but of course I don't say that to him.

"Yeah, I went every now and then when I lived in Missouri," I reply instead.

"Cool! Wh-"

Zayn was interrupted by Louis, "Let's order some drinks!"

He calls the waiter and orders things I've never heard of. Well this will definitely be a night that I won't forget.

The waiter comes back with a lot of.... Shots. I'm not drinking that. I made a promise back at the hospital that I will never drink again under age, especially those.

"Hey I'll be right back, bathroom," I say quickly, getting up and ignoring my friends confused expressions.

I leave the VIP sections and cross the dance floor with so many drunk people dancing and the music booming. A random guy grabs my hand and I try to shake him off.

"May I have this dance?" He slurs, I can smell the vodka on his breath.

"No, get off of me," I snap.

"There's no need to be that way," he glares, grabbing my waist.

I try to elbow his in the gut, but It doesn't work out.

"I think she said no," I hear a deep voice behind me and someone else grabs me, taking me away from the strange man and leading me off the dance floor.

In front of me is a fuming Harry styles. His green eyes, which are usually alight with humor are dark and cold.

"Harry," I whisper.

"How dare he do that to you," he literally growls.

His chest is heaving and Harry looks like his is going to loose control.

"It's okay, trust me, I'm not hurt," I plead, taking his hands in mine, "Harry, your scaring me, please calm down."

His eyes immediately loose their fire as I spoke those last words. Harry looks down at me and sighs, reaching forward and enveloping me in a hug.

"I'm sorry Ava. I just couldn't bear to think of someone hurting you," he whispers, his face buried in my hair.

"Hey, I'm fine alight? There's no need to worry," I mumble into his chest.

Harry and I stand there for a while, both of us reluctant to move. The truth is, that guy scared me, a lot. But I couldn't admit that to Harry because if it did, he would probably beat the man.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, ever," Harry promises, causing my heart to flutter.

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