Chapter 4

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After the girls and I left the mall, we drive to my house to get ready for dinner with the boys. Liz and Sara follow me inside, and I head to the kitchen, where my parents voices are coming from.

"Mom, dad this is Sara and Liz. I met them through Harry and we are just going to go upstairs to get ready for dinner tonight," I say to my parents as I enter our large kitchen.

"Great! Nice to meet you girls," my mom smiles at Sara and Liz and dad exchanges hellos with them.

We go upstairs and I find Jasper sprawled out on my bed.

"Hey buddy!" I grin, scratching his ears.

"Awwww," Sara and Liz say together.

I walk over to my closet and open the door, stepping inside. Sara pulls me out, smirking, "Oh no you don't, Liz and I are picking your outfit for tonight."

I groan, but go over to my bed and rub Jasper's stomach. I can hear the girls arguing about what I should wear, and I can't help but smile when they finally exit my closet. In Liz's hands is a beautiful black dress, that is shorter in the front and longer in the back. It's strapless, but I don't mind because it's not too short, considering the back of the dress Is trailing on the ground. Sara is carrying silver heels that aren't too dramatic.

"Wow guys I'm seriously impressed," I tell my friends.

"Did you really doubt us?" Liz pouts.

Before I can reply Sara cuts in, "Come on Ava go put that on, we still have hair and makeup, and that doesn't even include the fact that Liz and I still need to get dressed."

I roll my eyes and go to the bathroom, slipping on the silky dress. Walking back into my room, I sit down on a chair in front of my body mirror.

"Ava, you have to promise us that you will close your eyes and NOT open them until we give you permission," Liz tells me.

"Fine. I promise, just hurry up would you?"

The girls both giggle, and the last thing I see before closing my eyes is Sara grabbing my makeup bag.


What seems like hours later, Liz finally tells me that I can look. Hesitantly, I slowly open my eyes and smile. My golden hair is thrown in a complicated bun with braids running through it. My makeup is done really well, I have smokey eyeshadow on that really brings out my blue eyes, and red lipstick, with an ounce of blush on my cheeks.

"Wow guys, thank you so much!" I exclaim.

"Don't worry about it Ava, now run along, we will meet you downstairs in 10," Liz replies, smiling.

I slip on my heels, and walk as gracefully as I can down the stairs. I seriously doubt that the girls will only take 10 minutes, but they prove me wrong, walking down the stairs in their dresses. Liz is wearing a red dress that really brings out her dark features and Sara's dress is a really cute beige color. I notice that both of their dresses don't reveal to much skin and I'm really happy about that because it must mean we are going somewhere nice, not like a club.

"You girls look gorgeous!" I say, standing up from the couch.

"Thanks darling! Now come on, we are going to be late," Sara grins, walking out to the car.

Liz and I follow her, and Sara hops carefully into the drivers seat. We drive away from my house and about 15 minutes later, arrive in front of a really fancy restaurant. Luckily, it's nothing too big, I notice as we walk inside. Liz gives her name to the waitress and she takes us to a table towards the back of the restaurant. At our table, I see Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis, and three other people that I don't recognize.

"Hey I'm Zayn," a dark haired boy tells me, "another member of One Direction, and this is my fiancé, Perrie," he says, referring to the pretty blonde, in a green dress, sitting next to him.

"Hi!" I grin, "I'm Ava."

"This is Eleanor, Louis's girlfriend," Liz says, gesturing towards a really cute girl with brown wavy hair, wearing a blue gown.

She smiles at me as I sit down next to Harry, who, I may add, looks extremely handsome.

"Hey love," he grins, "you look beautiful."

"Thanks," I reply, trying to ignore the heat in my cheeks.

I'm really surprised by how I get on with everyone, especially Zayn, Perrie, and Eleanor considering I just met them. Throughout the dinner, I can feel Harry staring at me, but I let it slide. The food I order is absolutely delicious and I eat the entire thing, earning myself a chuckle from Harry. Niall orders another meal after his first and demolishes his second one too. The dinner comes to an end way too quickly, and before I know it, we are all leaving the table and walking outside. I automatically start walking towards Liz's car but Harry stops me.

"Hey I'll drive you home, if it's okay with you?" He asks me, sounding nervous.

"Sure, sounds good," I follow him to his car and sit down in the passengers seat. Pulling out my phone, I text Liz.

To Liz;) hey Harry is driving me home, maybe hang tomorrow?

From Liz;) Yeah! I'll text you later, have fun:))

I roll my eyes at her last message. She can be so immature sometimes.

"So how's Kendall?" I ask Harry, not really realizing that it sounded weird.

"I haven't seen her in a while, considering she doesn't live here. But it looks like she's having a good time, from her tweets."

"You have Twitter?" I can't really believe that.

"Of course I do! 18.9 million followers, how many do you have? 20?" He jokes.

I grab my phone again and pull up twitter, going to my profile. Don't ask me how, but I suddenly have 45,000 followers.

"Oh my god," I grin.

Harry glances at my phone and smirks, "Oh yeah, you gain followers when you hang out with Harry Styles."

"Oh totally," I laugh.

"I really love when you laugh. It seems like your a different person then when I first met you Ava," Harry says randomly.

"Well maybe I am," I whisper.

Authors Note-

DUN DUN DUN😈 I really loved this chapter! Keep voting and commenting lovelies💕💕💕

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