Chapter 9

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Ava's POV

I haven't heard from Harry since the Gardens yesterday. I wish I could say that it didn't bother me, but it did. I'm laying in bed, it's 12 pm and I'm extremely bored. There's no way I'm calling Harry, he's the one that started it, there for, he will text me when he needs to talk to me. I grab my phone and decide to text Liz.

To Liz;) Hey! Wanna hang? I have a lot to tell you....

I get a reply almost instantly.

From Liz;) Totally! Meet Sara and I at Starbucks in 15? You really have a bunch to explain girl.

I quickly respond, saying yes and I crawl out of bed, walking over to my dresser. I throw on a pair of black running shorts, with a loose aqua nike top. I put my wavy golden hair into a bun and slip on a black headband. I only apply some simple mascara and Chapstick, then grab my sneakers and run downstairs. My parents are at work so it's just Jasper and I.

"Hey bud, I promise I'll take you on a walk later, okay?" I tell my giant German shepherd, scratching his ears.

I then grab my car keys and go to my red truck. As I pull away from my home, I turn up the music and quietly hum along with the song. I reach Starbucks and go inside, scanning the crowd of people for Liz and Sara. I spot them at a table in the back, and I walk quickly to them, attempting to ignore the stares I'm receiving.

"Hey girls!" I exclaim.

"Ava Thomas, you have some serious explaining to do," Liz glares at me with dark eyes, holding up a magazine.

I flinch when I see Harry and I, holding hands. But it's the huge picture in the middle of the page that captures my attention. It's Harry and I alright, kissing by the pond. I cover my face with my hands, groaning.

"Oh yeahh, that," I mutter.

"SPILL IT," Liz demands, and I catch Sara's eye, seeking some help, but she looks just at interested as Liz.

"Fine," I roll my eyes, "Harry took me to te Gardens, and we kissed. Then I fell into a flower bed, he helped me up and I guess we just held hands. But then I told him that there were pictures of us online and he called management and got extremely pissed off."

The girls faces literally went from amazed, to dreamy, then horror.

"Oh no. He's probably in so much trouble," Sara whispers.

"Why? I mean, I know he's supposed to be dating Kendall and all that but it is really that big of a deal?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, Ava it's a REALLY big deal. See, when Harry agreed to fake date Kendall, he had to sign a contract that had all sorts of rules. And I'm guessing that by kissing you, he probably broke 50 of them," Liz states.

Sara quickly agrees with her.

"And what are the consequences for this?" I whisper, worryingly.

"Well they aren't exactly a ray of sunshine now are they..." Liz trails off.


I leave Starbucks about an hour later and go home. I call Jasper's name as I grab his leash and he comes sprinting down the hall, slipping on our wood floors. Jasper and I drive to the park and arrive quickly. We both jump out of the car and walk along the trail, taking in the beautiful day. We pick up a jog and continue along the path, going through woods and passing the playground where I hung out with Harry. I'm lost in a world of thought, and a loud voice surprises me.

"HEY," someone shouts, and they seem oddly familiar.

I then see Harry running up to me in long dark green shorts that hang loosely on his waist and a black tanktop that shows off his tatooes.

"Come to apologize Harry?" I pant.

He smiles widely, "Yeah, I have. I'm really sorry about yesterday, I sorta freaked out on you, when it wasn't your fault about the pictures. Forgive me?"

I roll my eyes, "Maybe, but you will have to make it up to me."

Harry slows down and I run past him.

"Want to go on a date?" He shouts.

I stumble and almost trip over Jasper, as I hear his words.

"Wh- what about Kendall and management?"

"It can be our little secret," Harry grins.

"Fine! Pick me up at 6:00!" I reply, trying to hide a smile.

I can hear Harry laugh, and I set off at a jog again, pulling on Jasper's leash.

"See you then, love!" Harry yells.

Authors Note

Well that was kind of surprising:) Cant wait for you to read the next chapter!!

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