Chapter 29

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Harry's POV

I've been coming to the park every day since I got back from LA. All I know is that I need to find Ava here, where we first met because I want to start over with her.

I made a huge mistake with Kendall and I don't think that I even have the right to ask Ava for another chance.

But I'm going to because I've never stopped loving Ava Thomas and I won't give up on us.

Not until Ava looks me in the eye and tells me she has no feelings for me.


The park has been my place of escape since I've gotten back from LA. It reminds me of all the great memories with Ava.

So like always, I'm there, freezing cold but it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Memories are flashing through my mind and they all bring a smile to my lips.

Snow begins to fall and I stare at the sidewalk, remembering when I gave Ava her necklace, shortly before making the greatest mistake of my life.

Cheating on Ava was something that should of never happened. Sure, Kendall and I had been hanging out more because I was in LA, but what I did wasn't because I liked Kendall.

I cheated on Ava because I was drunk and Kendall took advantage of that. I barely remember that night but I can recall going out and having way to much to drink. .

The look on Ava's face when she came to LA and saw me with Kendall broke me. I didn't know what to say or do and because of that, Ava ran and it's my fault.

The snow is starting to fall harder and I can't see very well as I pass through a wooded area. Im not paying much attention as I trudge through the snow, staring at the ground.

My head snaps up when a small figure runs into my chest and I look into a pair of blue eyes that I've been wanting to see for so long.

"Harry?" She whispers, her voice making my heart jump.


Ava's POV

I stand here, frozen, unable to look anywhere other then Harry's green eyes.

He clears his throat and smile slightly, the dimples that I still love so much showing on his rosy cheeks.

"Hey," Harry mutters.

His voice breaks my trance and I take a step back. My eyes begin to water as I stare at the boy that broke my heart.

"Ava, wait," Harry reaches towards me but I take another step back.

He can't touch me or the recent walls that I have built up will fall and I can't let that happen.

"Don't," I whisper, a single tear running down my cheek.

Before I can stop him, Harry steps forward and brushes the tear away with his thumb.

"Please leave me alone," I plead, more tears rushing down my face.

"Why?" Harry mumbles, green eyes shining, but I refuse to believe that he's upset too.

"Because you broke me."

And just like that, my walls break bringing a fresh wave of tears.

Harry reaches forward and his strong arms wrap around me in a comforting hug. I have to stop myself from giving in and forgiving Harry right then and there. So instead, I pull back and push weakly on his chest, trying to back away.

"Let me explain," Harry begs, his green eyes pleading.

"Explain what?" I yell, breaking away from him, "That it was all a mistake? That you didn't mean to sleep with another girl? THATS WHAT EVERY GUY ALWAYS SAYS HARRY. The only thing I want to know is why. Why would you do that? Why would you make me fall for you when you weren't there to catch me?" My voice is now a whisper.

Harry seems lost for words and I can't stand to be in his presence right now.

"That's what I thought," I mumble, slamming into Harry's shoulder as I pass him.

"Ava!" He shouts, but I don't stop running.

Authors Note-

Hello Lovelies! I feel like I need to remind you that I mean no disrespect to Kendall in this book. She is just a character with the looks and name based off of someone else. So please, no hate:)

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