Chapter 35

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Ava's POV

*3 Years Later*

When people say that marriage is a beautiful thing, they definitely aren't lying.

A girl's wedding is supposed to be the happiest day of her life.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that my wedding day was perfect. Because when I walked down the isle in my gorgeous gown, and when I looked into a pair of light green eyes while saying "I do" my life was complete.

When my husband proposed to me, my heart felt like it would burst with happiness.


"Where are we going?" I laugh, being pulled by my hand along a narrow bridge in Paris.

"Just wait and see," a familiar deep voice replies.

A smile spreads across my face when my boyfriend of two years stops in front of the Eiffel Tower.

I'm lost for words as I gaze at the breath-taking tower. My blue eyes take in every detail and I temporarily forget where I am.

That is until my boyfriend clears his throat, breaking me out of my trance.

"Ava, I love you. So much it sometimes scares me. I couldn't imagine living my life without you being by my side." He grins nervously.

I stare into his beautiful eyes, not knowing where this is heading.

"When you smile, it lights up my world. I could listen to you laugh all day long. I made mistakes, but you always found a way to forgive me and I can't ever thank you enough for that."

My heart stops when he pulls out a black velvet box from his back pocket. The tall boy falls to one knee and opens the small box, revealing a sparkling diamond ring.

"I'm in love with you Ava and I never want you to leave my side."

My mouth falls open at his next words.

"Will you marry me?"

My blue eyes fill with tears and I feel like my heart can't contain the happiness I'm feeling.

I gazed down at the curly- haired boy and whispered,


Harry jumps up and hugs me tightly, lifting me in the air and twirling us around.

*end of flashback*

Our wedding was perfect in every way. My bridesmaids were Liz, Sara, Perrie, Ally and Eleanor. They all looked beautiful in soft, light pink dresses. Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Liam all looked amazing in their black suits.

The entire wedding was magical, mostly because of events like Harry and I saying our vows, dancing together as a married couple, and my personal favorite was walking down the aisle, not being able to look anywhere other than Harry's loving gaze.

About a month after our wedding, Liam and Liz announced their engagement, no surprise there. We all knew that Niall planned on asking Sara to marry him shortly after Eleanor and Louis got married. Zayn and Perrie already had a 1 month old baby boy named William.

Let's just say I almost feinted about two months after Harry and I's wedding when I figured out I was pregnant.


"HARRY," I yelled, running down the hallway of our new home in London.

"Yes, love?" Harry calls.

I jog slowly to our nicely decorated living room and stop in front of a shirtless Harry who's sitting on the couch.

"I'm pregnant."

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