Chapter 18

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Ava's POV

Harry's little surprise at the park was probably the sweetest thing someone's every done to me. I wouldn't really know though, considering I've forgotten the last 18 years of my life.

The british boy walked me and Jasper back to the truck and told me he would be at my house around 6.

That gives me 2 hours to get ready. I quickly drive home and jump in the shower, making sure to shave my legs, because I can't stand when they get all stubbly.... The perks of being a girl right?

I finish showering and blow dry my hair. Once its completely dry, I decide to straighten it because I can't do anything cool with my hair at all.

After my golden locks are silky and straight, I skip to my closet, humming a random toon as I search for a cute outfit. Remembering that Harry told me to dress between casual and fancy, I make my decision.

My outfit for the night consists of a cute skirt that reaches down to the ground. It has a really fun black and white Aztec pattern on it that I adore. My shirt is a turquoise and is make of silky material that hangs loosely on my skin. It's doesn't have sleeves, so I shouldn't have to worry about being hot tonight, considering its summer and I'm wearing a long skirt.

I've never been a girl to dress in revealing clothing. I simply find it disgusting what girls wear these days to try and impress guys.

I out on some light eyeliner and silver eyeshadow that compliments my blue eyes. After applying some soft pink lipgloss, I slip on my leather flip flops and head downstairs.

"You look beautiful, Ava," my mom grins, as I walk into the kitchen.

"Thanks mom!"

"So when is this boy picking you up?" My dad questions.

"In couple minutes. Dad do me a favor and give him a chance, okay?"

I can just imagine the wheels turning in my dad's head.

"He has a lot I tattoos, darling," he states bluntly.

I groan, "Are you really judging him because of that? What if people judged me because I got drunk and crashed a car with people in it, loosing my memory in the process?"

I knew I won as my dad's blue eyes soften.

"They wouldn't because your just as perfect now as you were before, but I'll give the kid a chance if you really like him."

"Thanks dad!" I grin.

My mom smiles too, obviously relieved that the conversation didn't end badly.

"Oh and I decided on a college. Manchester University. It's about an hours drive from here," I explain.

"I've heard great things about that school, Ava. I'm happy with your decision," my mom smiles, her small, light blue eyes crinkling.

"Me t-," I'm cut off by the front door ringing and Jasper barking.

"Got it!" I call over my shoulder, skipping to the front hall.

I quickly open the wooden door and grin widely at Harry. He looks great in simple khakis and a light grey shirt. His brown curls are pushed up in a quiff, and his green eyes twinkle happily.

"Hey, love, you look beautiful" his deep British accent rings through the hall as he steps into my house.

"Hi Harry," I smile.

My parents walk into the front hall and my mom grins encouragingly at Harry and I. My dad puts on a small smile and Harry holds out his large hand.

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