Chapter 3

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Ava's POV

"So who's Kendall Jenner?" I ask Harry a week later, as we drive to Starbucks. Believe it or not, we have been hanging out a lot, and I'm actually enjoying myself.

"Oh we're just friends, our management set us up together so now everyone thinks were dating," Harry chuckles, glancing at me from the drivers seat.

"Then your not dating? You look pretty cuddly and happy in these pictures," I say pointing to my phone. I'm on twitter scrolling through my feed, and someone that I'm following had retweeted pictures of Harry and Kendall.

"Aw babe are you jealous?" Harry grins.

I feel heat creeping into my cheeks. "Of course not! I'm just a curious person Harry Styles!"

"Your blushing."

"Am not."

"Are too. "

I sigh, giving up the argument. This boy is so stubborn.

"But to answer your question, we aren't dating. We just have to act like that to convince the public that we are. It's complicated," Harry winks.

"It's not like I care..." I mutter.

We pull up to Starbucks and go inside. As Harry and I stand in line, I see a group of girls snapping pictures of us and giggling. Oh no....

"Harry, there's going to be paparazzi here soon," I nudge him, and glance at the girls.

He quickly realizes what I'm talking about and we grab the drinks we had ordered, walking outside. Harry and I are immediately blinded by paps, thegirls must of posted something on twitter about seeing us. Harry reaches for my hand without hesitation and pulls me through the crowd, to his car.

"Maybe we should use the drive-through next time," Harry grins, hopping into the drivers seat.

"Yeah no kidding..."


Harry and I drive to his flat, where Liz, Sara, Niall, and Liam are waiting. Louis must be out with his girlfriend, Elounor . Liz had told me about her last night during our "girl talk." I follow Harry into the house, sipping my frap. I'm wearing dark denim shorts with a lavender color shirt that hangs off one of my shoulders. My golden hair is curled and I can feel my locks bouncing as I enter the kitchen.

"Ava!!" My new dark haired friend, Liz shouts.

I'm immediately enveloped in a huge hug.

"Hey Liz!" I giggle, as she let's go of me and Sara embraces me.

"Hi Ava!" Sara exclaims. You would of thought that I've know Liz and Sara for years.

"Hey!! Where's Niall and Liam?" I ask her.

"Their out back, Harry, you can go and join them. Us girls are going out for a little bit without you. We will meet up later!" Sara announces, her green eyes shining.

"How come you always get to spend time with her? She's my friend," Harry mutters, with a quick wink at me.

Sara and Liz ignore him as they drag me to the door.

"Bye Harry!" I call behind me.

"Bye love!"


Ava's POV

"So?" Liz asks me, as we sit down at a table in the food section at the mall.

"What do you mean?"

"Ava come on, it's obvious Harry likes you. But the real question is, do you like Harry?" Sara squeals.

"What?!" I stutter, my cheeks immediately starting to heat up.

"We won't tell him! We pinky promise," Liz giggles, sounding like a 9 year old.

I roll my eyes at them, but I can't ignore the funny feeling in my stomach. Harry Styles likes me? I seriously doubt that, why would a famous person fall for someone as normal as me, it doesn't make sense.

"Um Ava?" I blink as Liz snaps her fingers in front of my face.

Both of my friends are looking at me expectantly. "Ugh, I don't know guys, I really don't want a boyfriend right now, and besides, what would the fans think? For all they know, Harry is dating Kendall Jenner."

Sara sighs dramatically, "Ava it's just for publicity and I bet Harry already told you that! We really like Kendall but she just doesn't seem like the right girl for Harry."

"Yeah I agree with Sara, and you should too Ava! We all know there is something going on between you and Harry, both of you just need to admit it," Liz states.

I don't really know how to reply to that so I grab my phone, but I can't help noticing how Liz and Sara both grin widely at each other. I'm scrolling through my contacts so I can text my parents, letting them know where I am, when I see a couple new numbers in my list.

"Liz. Sara. When did you put your numbers in my phone?"

Sara giggles, "Hmm did we? Maybe I did when we were at lunch the other day, I don't really remember..."

Liz smiles at Sara and I just roll my eyes.

"Oh there's someone else's number in there too," Liz tells me with a wink.

Oh no. I go to the H section and notice that I must of skipped over Harry's name. The girls even put a smiley face next to it. Lord help me.

They both earn a glare from me, but Before I could say anything, someone calls there names.

"LIZ, SARA!!!"

We all look to our right expecting to see a group of fans. People may not know about me, but everyone knows that Sara and Liz and dating members of One Direction, so their pretty famous too. But it's only one girl, around our age jogging towards us. She has straight blonde hair and her eyes are a hazel color, but you can definitely make out the green. The girl is wearing leggings that have a fun Aztec pattern on them and her shirt is white and hangs loosely on her shoulders. She's actually extremely pretty, and from the way that Liz and Sara are smiling, I can tell that they know her.

"Emily!" They shout at the same time.

They both get up and tackle Emily.

"We haven't seen you in so long! Where have you been?" Liz exclaims.

"Didn't you know? I'm attending college in the United States, Missouri to be exact. I'm studying law," Emily grins, her British accent is definitely noticeable.

"Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure harry mentioned that to us a week or two ago, sorry for not keeping in touch Em, we've been pretty busy too," Sara suddenly glances at me, remembering that I'm still standing here, "and this is Ava! Ava, this is Emily, she's been Harry's best friend since childhood.

Emily smiles at me, revealing her straight teeth, "Nice to meet you, do you live in London?"

"I actually just moved here a couple weeks ago, Harry and the girls are the first people I became friends with," I inform her.

Sara and Liz smile at each other.

"Well, we've got to go meet the boys, you want to come along Emily?" Sara asks.

"Sorry girls, but I can't, I have loads of studying to do, tell everyone I said hello!" Emily says backing away.

Liz, Sara, and I give her a wave, then turn around and walk towards the exit to the mall.

"She seems really nice," I comment.

Sara laughs loudly, "Don't worry Ava, Emily and Harry and just friends."

I shove her into the door, and giggle when she slams into it.

"OW!" Sara shrieks.

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