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Harry's POV

*three years later*

"Maria!" I called from my seat on the bench.

My three year old baby girl waddles up to me. Her sky blue eyes that remind me so much of Ava's are lit up with excitement.

"I don't want to leave daddy," she pouts.

"I know sweetheart, but it's time to visit mummy okay?" I reply, my chest aching with the memory of my wife's death still fresh in my mind.

"YAY!" She squeals, holding her arms up.

I pick up Maria and ruffle her brown curls.

"I have so much to twell her daddy," she beams.

"I know," I whisper.


Maria runs in front of me, skipping in between the gravestones.

"Careful!" I call to her and she slows down a bit.

"Come on! We're almost there!"

I reluctantly pick up a jog and scoop up my daughter in my arms. She squeals with delight and her laughter rings throughout the silent graveyard.

My eyes scan the multiple grey stones and I take in a quick breathe of air when I see the gravestone that has her name on it.

Ava Marie Styles
Loving Mother and Wife

I set Maria down in the grass in front of the place where my wife lies.

Maria's blue eyes fill with joy and she begins to talk happily to her dead mother. My daughter obviously doesn't yet understand what happened to Ava and I dread the day that I have to tell her why her mother is gone.

"-and this boy won't stop stealing my swing mummy. I always ask him to give it back but he doesn't," Maria says, stroking the cold gravestone.

I place a bouquet of red roses on the grave and smile sadly. I remember buying the same flowers in the summer of 2014, when Ava and I went on our first date.

"Daddy why are you crying?" Maria ask, her blue eyes narrowed in confusion.

I quickly wipe away the tears I didn't realize I had shed.

"I'm just happy," I lie.

She nods her small head and turns back to the grave, continuing another story.

The truth is that I'm not happy. I haven't been the same since June 3rd, 2017, when Ava died. I remember visiting her parents, the guys, and Liz and Sara.

Telling Ava's two best friends was probably the hardest. They refused to believe me at first, but when I showed them baby Maria, they broke down. I couldn't stand to watch them cry any longer so I had to leave.  Ava's parents reactions were quite different when I showed up and explained how their only daughter was no longer living. They just stood there, eyes glazed over and held on to each other.

Louis has been my lifesaver the first year when Maria was an infant. He was always there for me and her. Shortly after my daughter's first birthday, Liz and Sara showed up at my flat, demanding to see Maria. I let them because I knew that Ava would of wanted our daughter to grow up around her two best friends.

Once Maria started talking and walking, I considered her my new savior. She reminds me so much of the girl I loved that it sometimes hurts to look at her. But other times, I can't stop staring at Maria because of how much I see my dead wife in her. Especially her blue eyes and voice. They are both so similar to Ava's.

I can barely cope with the fact that Maria will never have her mother. My daughter will never know what it feels like to be held and comforted by her mum. She will never have the experience of going shopping or revealing her feelings about her first crush with her mother.

All she has is me.

And I won't let Maria Grace Styles down.

"Come on, Maria. Let's go home," I whisper, taking my daughters small hand in mine.

She looks back at Ava's grave and grins , "We will be back soon mummy."

I glance at the grave, my chest tightening.

"Bye Ava Marie. I love you," I say softly, so Maria doesn't here.

I reluctantly look away from the simple stone, and Maria pulls me through the graveyard.

We stop in front of my red vehicle. Ava's truck. I open the door and motion for Maria to hop up but she's staring dreamily at a group of kids passing a soccer ball around.

"I wanna be a soccer player, daddy," she states.

I smile when a certain memory overtakes my thoughts.


Harry!" Ava calls from our bedroom.

I quickly jump up from the couch and walk into the room, smiling at my wife laying on our bed.

"Yes love?" I grin.

"The babies kicking," she grimaces.

I cross the room and sit on the bed, resting a hand on Ava's large stomach.

I smile widely when I feel the baby kick.

"I bet she'll be a soccer player," I chuckle.

I talk quietly to our unborn child, and feel Ava's warm gaze on me.

"I love you," She states randomly.

I look at her beautiful face and smile.

"And I love you," I say before kissing her soft lips.

*end of flashback*

I shake my head and smile at my curly-haired daughter that looks so much like Ava.

"You will be the best girl out there," I chuckle, picking Maria up and setting her in her car seat.

"I hope so..." She mumbles, not taking her blue eyes off of the teenagers passing the ball back and forth.

I pull away from the cemetery and take a deep breath. I'm not as broken as I used to be. Thanks to Maria, I will always have a little bit of Ava with me. I know deep down that I wont ever love someone as much as I loved Ava because she was my first love and Ava will never be forgotten.

Authors Note-

Wow. This is it. Forgotten is officially finished. The ending was so many different things, mostly sad though and I'm sorry for that lovelies:(

I'm writing another book called, Infinity, so check it out on my profile! Don't forget to comment your opinion on how Forgotten ended:) love you all

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