Chapter 8

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Ava's POV

"The famous singer Harry Styles was spotted at the Gardens today in London with a girl! Who is this mystery girl? Are they dating? It seems like they are, considering there are pictures of them sharing a kiss earlier this morning!"

I sighed, putting my white IPhone in my pocket. I really don't understand how word can travel that fast, I didn't even notice flashing at all during the kiss. Oh god. The kiss. Harry Styles kissed me. Did that really happen?

"Ava, love you alright?" Harry asks.

Crap, I totally just zoned out. I look at Harry and have trouble not becoming lost again in his green eyes.

"Ouch!" I yelp, tripping over a rock and falling clumsily into a patch of roses.

Harry almost fell to the ground in laughter, while I just sat there, my butt covered in soil.

"Are.... Are you okay?" Harry finally chokes out between fits of laughter.

I glare at him, but take his outstretched hand. He easily pulls me up and I dust off the dirt covering my pants.

"Thanks for your consideration", I glare at Harry.

"Oh come now, don't be that way! I really didn't know that I have that effect on you," he says with a wink.

I feel my cheeks blush deeply and I quickly walk past him.

"Hey! I'm kidding," he grins, grabbing my hand.

"Sure Harry. You know they have photos of us....umm kissing on the internet. Won't that hurt you and Kendall?" I question him.

His eyes widen and he immediately drops my hand. "Oh no. I'm screwed."

Harry pulls out his phone, "I'll be right back, don't leave this spot okay?" I nod and he walks away, dialing a complicated number into his cell.

I turn around and sit on a bench by the roses, taking in the beautiful scenery of the Gardens. The aroma of the flowers is heavenly and the birds are singing peacefully. My thoughts are interrupted by a furious Harry.

"Come on, we need to leave. Now," he mutters grabbing my hand and pulling me along the rocky path.

"Um Harry? Care to explain?'

Harry's green eyes glare at me.

"I've just gotten off the phone with Management, okay? They aren't happy about what happened earlier, considering it's all over the place and I'm supposed to be dating Kendall. They called me into their office for a meeting and I need to go now, so where do you want me to drop you off?" He asks me unkindly.

I tear my hand from his grasp and stop walking.

"Are you kidding me Harry? I understand your upset but that gives you no right to talk to me that way. I don't appreciate it at all." I glare, storming off. I have to admit, my emotions are kind of off right now because I'm confused about everything that's happened today, but still. Harry doesn't say anything as we leave the Gardens and enter his car.

"Drop me off at my house," I mutter.

He just grunts and I take that as an okay. We pull into my driveway and I angrily jump out of the car and slam the door. Harry calls my name but I ignore him, and walk into my house. I watch his car pull away from our front window, and for some reason, I feel like crying. Since when did Harry Styles ever have this sort of effect on me?

Authors Note

Sorry for the lack of updating guys! And I'm really sorry for this excuse of a chapter! I'll probably update later tonight!💕💕💕💕

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