Chapter 13

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Ava's POV

It's around 11 am and I'm just sitting on my bed, watching the clock tick by. Harry left this morning but I didn't get to see him because he had an early flight.

"Tick tock, tick tock".

I sit up quickly and grab my phone, I have to do something to keep my mind off of Harry, so I dial Sara's number.

"Hey! Want to hang out?" I ask her through the phone.

"Sure! Want me to come over?" Sara replies.

"Yeah, I'm gonna text Liz too, see you soon!"

Sara tells me that she will be here in 10 so I quickly text Liz.

To Liz;) hey wanna hang out? Sara is coming over too.

It takes about a minute for Liz to reply.

From Liz;) ugh I can't:( parents are making me look at some university's today. Kill me now.

To Liz;) hah sorry girl. Maybe when your done? Have fun!

I lock my white iPhone and get up, changing out of my pajamas and throwing on a light pink tank top with black leggings. I pull on some fuzzy socks and put my golden hair in a bun. I glance at myself in the mirror and probably for the hundredth time, I wish I didn't have so many freckles dotting my nose and underneath my eyes. I walk into my bathroom and brush my teeth after using the toilet. The doorbell rings from downstairs and I can hear Jasper barking. I run down the stairs and open the door after shooing my German shepherd out of the way. Standing in front of me is one of my best friends, who just happens to be dating Niall Horan too.

"Hey Ava! Glad to see Im not underdressed," Sara grins, referring to her grey leggings and loose hanging green top.

"It's just one of those day, isn't it?" I laugh, closing the front door.

"Totally, we have a lot of talking to do though. Where's Liz?"

I explain why our brown-eyed best friend couldn't show up as we walk upstairs.

"Well we can always fill her in later," Sara says, jumping onto my bed, "So what did Harreh say yesterday?"

I chuckle at how she says his name, "Well good news, management said they could probably end the contract. Bad news, he left this morning to go visit Kendall because apparently, they have to be together when the break up."

Sara frowns, "That sucks Ava. Do yourself a favor though, and DO NOT look on twitter or Instagram if your following One Direction accounts."

"What? Why?"

"Your feed will literally just be blown up with Harry and Kendall. And you really don't need to see that," Sara sighs.


"Well this topic is making me want to punch someone. So how about we go to Starbucks?" Sara suggests randomly.

I immediately love her idea.


I don't even bother changing, and instead, I just slide into my sperrys.


I inhale the wonderful smell of Starbucks as Sara and I walk in.

"I really need to get a job here," I comment, standing in line with Sara.

"Me too, I would probably drink everything I make though."

I laughsoftly at Sara's joke. We both order our drinks and sit down, watching the people at Starbucks, listening to the ding of the door, announcing their arrival and exit.

"I could spend my life he-" I stop talking when the door dings again and I see the look on Sara's face.

Turning around, my eyes widen when I see who just entered Starbucks.

Harry and Kendall.

Holding hands.

And the love in Harry's eyes as he looks at Kendall makes me sick.

Authors Note-

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAROLD. I really wish that you could be turing 16 instead of 20. Like Jesus stop growing up. I'm going to go cry now. Hope you enjoyed the chapter💕💕💕💕💕💕

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