Chapter 16

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Ava's POV

It's been about a week since Harry and I went to the carnival. I haven't seen him that much, but he's been extremely busy with getting ready for him and Kendall's break up. I don't understand how that takes so much planning and time, but hey, as long as they breakup I'm fine with it.

Honesty, I don't know what to call Harry and I. Definitely not dating, but we aren't just friends either. I wonder if I ever had this many boy issues before the accident. It's not like I can learn from them though, considering I don't remember anything.

I have a feeling that Liz and Sara know something that I don't, because whenever we hang out, I catch them whispering and glancing at me. They always stop when I approach then though.

It's about 11 am and I'm currently laying on my bed, scrolling through twitter. My followers are slowing increasing in numbers, as more pictures of Harry and I are leaked. My eyes widen as I come across a tweet of the one and only Kendall Jenner and Harry Styles.


"This cannot be happening:(( Hendall is officially over! Can you here me crying?!"

I quickly click on the tweet and go to the persons profile, scrolling through her most recent tweets. One in particular captures my attention. It's a picture of a magazine article with Harry and Kendall holding hands. There's a giant slash in between them though and below it says, "Hendall is over?" I zoom in on the picture so I can read the article.

"Last night, the famous boy-band singer, Harry Styles, was spotted with model, Kendall Jenner, at a restaurant in Cheshire, England. Both teens entered the restaurant holding hands and smiling, but Kendall left 15 minutes after they arrived.

"She looked like she was on the verge of tears," a source says.

Harry left shortly after and refused to answer any questions. Is this the end of Hendall?"

My mouth drops open and I screen shot the picture sending it to Liz and Sara in a group message.

To Liz;) and Sara<3 REALLY?

It takes a couple minutes for a reply.

From Liz;) really:)) it happened Ava!!! Now nothing is standing in your way;)

I roll my eyes before replying.

To Liz;) and Sara<3 get over yourself.

From Sara<3 we all know this is what you've been waiting for;)

From Liz;) have a nice day:))

Liz's last text confuses me.

To Liz;) and Sara<3 what's they supposed to mean??

Neither of my friends reply though and I fall back into my bed, extremely confused. I'm lost in thought when my dad peeks into my room.

"Ava, it's almost July, you need to start looking at colleges," he says.

"I know I know. I'll do it now okay?" I reply, unenthusiastically.

"Thanks sweetie!"

Once my dad leaves, I grab my MacBook Air from the bedside table. Anything to get my mind off of Harry, right?


Around 1, I'm satisfied with my choices. I've found two colleges, one is about 1 hour away from here and the other is 30 minutes. They both look extremely nice and if I really hope my GPA is high because I need scholarships.

Wait. Have I even taken the SAT?? I jump out of bed and walk to the kitchen where my dad is drinking coffee while reading the NewsPaper.

"Have I taken the SAT?" I ask.

"Of course! You got a 31 on it so you should get a good amount of money wherever you go," my dad grins proudly.

"Oh well how do I know if I'm still smart? This is extremely confusing for me."

My dad sighs, "The doctors said it should come back to you slowly, but you won't necessarily be dumber or smarter."

"Oh well that's relieving," I say, sarcastically.

"It's just something you will have to live with, Ava."

"Anyway, I found some colleges," I hand my dad the papers I printed with information on the two places.

"I like these, we can tour them soon, okay?"

I nod and walk back upstairs with Jasper at my heels. My phone is buzzing when I come into my room and I grab it. 5 new messages from.... Harold.

From Harry:) Did you hear?

From Harry:) About Kendall and I.

From Harry:) it happened last night

From Harry:) Ava????


Calm yourself down Harry.


He immediately responds.

From Harry:) Well you weren't replying:)) are you happy?

To Harry:) Of course I am Harold. So what's this mean exactly?

I can see the little icon that means Harry is typing but it's takes forever to send, due to his long message.

From Harry:) well so Kendall and I broke up. Now we just need an interview so I can confirm it. Then I'll be free to do as I please. Management says I need to wait a little before I'm seen in public with you because we don't want people asking questions. I know its crappy but that's just how it has to be. I'm actually really impressed on how great I was at acting:) maybe I should become an actor later on in life... Do you think I could be as great as Tom Cruise and all those actors out there? I think I could. We should make a movie and see what happens.

I swear he gets off topic SO easily.

To Harry:) Sounds good:) and about the movie... Maybe we shouldn't, I don't want you to be too horrified by my terrible acting skills.

I laugh out loud when I send the message.

From Harry:) I doubt that, you were pretty good at acting like you hated me when we first met;)

My cheeks heat up. He did not just say that.

To Harry:) Your a little full of yourself.

From Harry:) That's why you love me:))

We continue to text for about another hour. Simply talking about random things that have no meaning. I didn't realize it this morning, but it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Like Liz said, now nothing is standing in my way.

Authors Note-

I'm really sorry about this excuse of a chapter. BUT HEY, Kendall and Harry broke up so we all goodd. I had the most AMAZING dream about One Direction last night but I really don't feel like typing it. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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