Chapter 17

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Ava's POV

"I'm taking Jasper to the groomer!" My mom yells from downstairs.

"Okay, talk to you later then!" I reply.

I fall back onto my bed with a dramatic sigh. What to do, what do to? Literally all you see on the internet now is about Harry and Kendall. And I have to admit, it makes me extremely happy seeing articles on their breakup.

Harry's been busy, with management I'm guessing. He and Kendall broke up yesterday and I haven't talked to him since we texted. I don't really mind, I'm still kinda floating on Cloud 9.

I'm even more confused on where Harry and I stand, now that he's officially single. I'm afraid to ask him though. What if he just laughs at me, not expecting me to be serious? What if he's just been leading me on as a game? Ugh what if he doesn't even like me as a friend.

My life now consists of what ifs.


I'm bored out of my mind. Liz and Sara can't hangout, I'm to scared to text Harry, and my dog isn't even here to comfort me.

Wow my life is really sad.

Suddenly an idea pops into my mind.


I should use this time to pick which place I want to attend.

I quickly grab my computer and pull up safari. I promise myself that by the end of today, I will know what college I'm going to attend.


Manchester. After tons of research and stress, I decide on Manchester University. Honestly, I'm already in love with the campus and the dorms. It's just has this lovely homey look to it that I adore.

It's also pretty close to my house, just around an hour drive away.

(Authors Note- I'm not really sure if that's the actual distance, but let's use our imaginations, shall we?)

My parents will probably be happy with my decision, but there's no way I'm staying here. I should be 19 soon, I need some time alone.

I wonder when my actual birthday is....

I wonder if Harry will be happy with my choice of college.

Ugh. Harry. Why does he have to be so complicated.

My iPhone buzzes annoyingly, drawing me away from my deep thoughts. Oh lovely. Speak of the devil.


Hey love! Meet me at the park? I have a surprise:)

To Harry:)

Surprise? If you are going to hide from me again I'm not coming Harold.

He instantly replies and I can just imagine his dimples showing as he smiles.

From Harry:)

Well that is offensive.... But you know you loved it;) And no, I'm not going to hide from you, this is a way better surprise.

I roll my eyes before replying.

To Harry:)

Fine. Where would you like me to meet you?

From Harry:)

The wooded area by the playground. Come now please:)

I slowly get out of bed and walk to my dresser. I put on some white jean shorts and a bright pink top that makes me look tanner then I really am. I let me golden hair fall in its natural waves and I apply some simple eyeliner that makes my blue eyes pop.

Satisfied with my appearance, I pull on some worn out combat boots and grab my phone, jogging downstairs.

My parents aren't home, probably at their new jobs. I'll most likely have to pick Jasper up later. I grab a granola bar before walking to my truck. I turn up the music and recognize the voices singing. One Direction.

I have to admit, they all sounds absolute perfect. Harry's voice has to be my favorite though, it's just so raspy and I could listen to him sing all day long. Crap. Am I fangirling?!

I quickly push that thought out of my head and park my truck at the park.

(Authors Note- HAHAHAHAH park at the park?!)

I stroll along the sidewalk, soaking in the sun and listening to the birds sing different melodies. Passing the playground, I come across the wooded areas Harry was talking about. My eyes scan the sidewalk and see a tall silhouette standing at the end of the woods. I recognize Harry by his curly hair pushed back in a beanie. God he looks great.

I notice a tall animal sitting next to Harry andI can barely make out it's markings.

Wait, Jasper?

"Hey!" I call out and I can see Harry smile.

He bends down and unclips Jasper's leash.

I immediately call my German shepherds name out of habit as he comes bounding towards me. Jasper picks up speed and tackles me, causing a giggle to escape my lips. I then notice the large red bow strapped to his neck with a note barely visible, attached to his collar. I carefully untuck the note from Jasper and open it.

I'm small, tidy handwriting, it says...

Want to go on a date with me tonight?


I can't help the grin that spreads across my face. Looking up, I jump back, not noticing Harry walking over here.

"What do you think, love?" Harry asks nervously.

"I would love to," I smile, standing up.

Harry's face clearly has "thank god" written all over it. I don't really understand why, considering we've been on a date before, but it's adorable.

"Perfect," Harry's beams, enveloping me in a hug and twirling us around.

Jasper barks at our heels as we laugh uncontrollably.

There goes my chances of not falling for Harry Styles.

Authors Note-

Sorry it took so long to update!! Homework is starting to pile up and I want to punch a wall. I got a haircut and it's so short that I'm going to actually punch a wall. Valentines Day is Friday and as always, it makes me sad. Wanna know why? Because my boyfriend, Harry, can't come visit me because he's in England. Ugh the hardships of dating a singer... BUT GUESS WHAT. I wrote a really awesome short story that I'm going to share with you below👇

🏃🏃🏃🏃 so this is me running to find Harry styles 👩 and that's what I look like 👦that's what Harry looks like.... And this is the story of our life

👩I'm a Lonely girl looking for ❤️ and I just happen to❤️👦 but I can't find👦 so I keep 🏃🏃🏃 and then at their🎤 I find 👦 because I have to 🚽 and we accidentally 💃🏃 run into eachother and I'm like🙋 and he immediately❤️ me. Then we 👫 and before you know it he💍 to me at🗽 and we 🏡 buy a house start a 👪 and

have a baby boy👶 our child is an 👼

I know I know it's perfect.💕💕💕💕

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