Chapter 7

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Ava's POV

I slept really badly that night, and I'm very thankful that it's finally 10:00. I roll over and grab my phone, and I have a new message from the one and only Harry Styles.

From Harry:) Hey love, wanna hang out? I have a surprise:))

Oh no.

To Harry:) Sounds good!

From Harry:) great I'll pick you up at 11:00!

That's one hour, I can do this. I jump out of bed and skip to my dresser, grabbing a pair of dark jean shorts and a light pink tank top. I throw my clothes on and slip on my combat boots, brushing through my still straight golden hair. I run downstairs and see a note from my parents saying,

Hey Ava! Your dad and I are both at work, we will be back around 6:00. Love you bunches!

Wow their so cheesy. I quickly eat a bowl of fruit loops, and just as I'm cleaning my dishes, a car horn honks.

"Bye Jasper," I coo, kissing my German Shepard.

I walk out the front door and lock it, strolling to Harry's car and climbing in.

"Hey," he smiles.

"Hii," I breathe, kind of nervous, "So where are we going?"

"The Gardens, it's this huge place that has a lot of flowers and-" Harry swallows, "ummm you will see, it's hard to explain."

I giggle as his cheeks turn a little pink.

Harry finally pulls into a large, packed parking lot. We walk into a building that has a ton of huge glass sculptures hanging on the ceilings. Harry pays for me after a lot of playful arguing. We walk up a huge staircase that has doors leading outside. There's a large sign that says GARDENS hanging above the doors and we walk through them, my eyes widening at the beautiful sight before me. There's flowers. Everywhere. Every single flower you can imagine is in front of me, the roses are swaying in the breeze and the birds are singing in the trees. There's a gravel path in front of us, that breaks apart

and leads in different directions.

"Come on, I'll take you to my favorite spot," Harry grins, taking my hand.

A blush immediately finds it's way onto my cheeks, but I allow Harry to drag me around. The temperature is perfect and the sky is cloudless. Harry leads me down the path,past flowers and trees. We make a left turn and in front of us is a giant shining lake. There is boardwalks leading out onto the water and Harry's brings me over to them. We walk to the very end of the boardwalk and stand there staring out across the lake.

"Wow, this is beautiful Harry," I whisper, staring at the breath-taking view.

"I know, this has always been my favorite part, it's just so peaceful," he confesses.

Harry and I just stand there for a couple minutes, our hands still entwined.

"Ava," Harry's says.

I turn me head to look up at him, and his lips come crashing down onto mine.

Authors note-

AHHHHHHH this is just so perfect I'm going to cry. I need someone like Harry. Any suggestions?💕💕💕💕

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