Chapter 22

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Ava's POV


That's all I felt after Harry was swallowed up by the crowd of people and he left my sight.

I went home after that and collapsed on the couch, eventually falling into a dreamless sleep. Harry had texted me when he landed and we skyped later that night.

It's now August 5 and I'm currently driving in my red truck to Manchester. The back of my truck is loaded with things for my dorm. There were a lot of tears when I left and my mom wouldn't stop hugging me until I promised I would be back around August 29 so we could celebrate my 19th bday as a family. (Authors Note- JUST LETTING YOU KNOW, Harold is not yet 20, considering its August in the book) My cheeks are still a little wet from crying but my tears had stopped after I left my house. I would miss my parents a lot, but I was only 45 minutes away. Plus, my house reminded me of Harry. Not in a bad way, I just didn't need anything else constantly bringing my thoughts to him. We have texted and skyped A LOT since he left and I'm confident that we can get through this long distance relationship thing.


30 minutes later, I entered Manchester University. The campus is absolutely beautiful and all the dorms are a dark red brick with black shutters and tons of flowers growing around them. The streets are multi-colored brick that I love. It makes the entire campus look even better. The actual buildings with the classrooms are brick also, but instead of the reddish color of the dorms, they are all a washed out white that looks adorable and homey. There are loads of green fields with students playing sports or sitting around on them.

For once in the past 5 days, my boyfriend wasn't on my mind.


"Ava Thomas," I say to the middle-aged blonde haired secretary.

She flips through some files and smiles, pulling out a couples pieces of paper.

"Here you are honey. Your dorm building is C and your room number is 8. Your schedule is in that pile of paper with a map of the school. Have a great year!" She hands me a stack of papers.

"Thank you! Have a great day," I reply before walking out of the large building. I pull out my map and found Building C on it and it was luckily close by. I hop in my car and drive down the street, pulling up to a tall brick building. I grab as many bags as I can with my belongings and walk inside, admiring the dark wooden floors and cream colored walls. I take the elevator up a floor and walk down the hall, stopping in front of a door with a large golden 8. Pulling out my key, I unlock the door and step inside my dorm.

The first thing I notice are the same dark wooden floors and cream colored walls as downstairs. There are two twin beds situated in each corner with a small nightstand next to them. On the wall between the beds is a large long window that has a great view of a green field and the beautiful brick streets. There is two closets on each side of the room and a desk next to them.

Next thing I notice is the girl grinning in front of me. She has straight light brown hair that falls past her shoulders and green eyes that stand out. Her white teeth are perfectly straight and her cheeks are slightly pink with one dimple showing as she smiles. She's extremely pretty and friendly looking and I can tell we will get along.

"Hey I'm Ally, your roommate," she exclaims, happily.

"Hi, I'm Ava."

She nods and takes my bags from me, setting them on the twin bed on the left side of the room.

"Thanks," I say, unpacking my black and white comforter and setting it on my bed.

"No problem! I just got here an hour ago, so I've already set up," Ally replies, motioning to her side of the room that's decorated in mostly turquoise and white, "Wanna grab a coffee and we can tour the campus?"

"Sure! Let me finish unpacking and we can go."


Ally and I are currently sitting on a bench at the field by our dorm. I love watching the students walking around on the brick roads and playing soccer on the fields. My phone buzzes in my pocket.

From Liz;) Hey girl!! Have you arrived at Manchester yet?

To Liz;) YESS! It's so perfect, and my roommate is amazing.

I grin and take a sip of my frappachino.

From Liz;) Send me a pic of you guys!

I laugh quietly and say to Ally, "Hey my bestfriend, Liz, wants a selfie. Care to get in it?"

Ally nods enthusiastically and I snap a cute picture of us, sending it to Liz.


Wait what?!

"Ally, do you by any chance have a cousin named Liz?" I ask her.

Her green eyes light up and she smiles at me.

"Yeah! We are actually really close, even though she's a few years older then me. Don't tell me that your bestfriend is that Liz??"

"Surprisingly enough, she is. Liz just responded to me," I laugh, showing her my white IPhone.

"Wait if you know Liz, do you know One Direction?" Ally asks, not in a fan-girl way though.

"Yeah um- we are pretty close."

I can't tell Ally about Harry and I because management made me promise that I wouldn't tell anyone until Harry announces it.

Hopefully, he tells the world soon....

Authors Note-

Ugh sorry for that excuse of a chapter, but you had to know what college was like:) and I have no idea what Manchester University actually looks like, so bear with me.💕💕💕💕💕💕

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