Chapter 33

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Ava's POV

Thank god Liz and Sara are finally in town.

"So when are you going to tell Harry that you still love him?" Liz demands, sitting on my bed.

I roll my eyes at her randomness.

"Seriously Ava. I'm tired of Harry moping around. You've made him wait long enough," Sara contributes to the conversation.

"And what makes you think I still love him?" I ask, grabbing a chip out of the bag.

"The way you still talk about him. It's all in your eyes girl," Liz explains to me like I'm a 5 year old.

"Oh sure," I say sarcastically.

"But really. Even if you said that you aren't in love with Harry, we wouldn't believe you, right Liz?"

Liz nods enthusiastically at Sara.

"You guys are pathetic," I groan, "Remember that he cheated on me? With his ex-girlfriend?! Harry obviously didn't love me then."

Liz rolls her eyes dramatically, "Dear Harry was drunk. He told you that himself, Ava. And from what Harry has been telling me, he apparently told you that he still loves you."

"He did," I mumble.

"Then I have no idea what your waiting for. He said sorry, right?"


"Then why aren't you with Harry right now? Ava, we know you love him and he obviously loves you. I don't understand why your doing this to yourself," Sara frowns.

"Me neither. I guess I'm just afraid that Harrys going to hurt me again."

"I don't think he could stand loosing you, Ava. He already lost you once. Trust me, Harry won't screw up again," Liz smiles slightly.

Something clicks in my head.

"You really think so?" I ask, looking at my two bestfriends.

"Of course," Liz and Sara say in unison.


Don't ask me how, but Liz and Sara convinced me that Harry and I should be together. Again.

He knows me better than anyone else and even though Harry hurt me, I still love him.

To Harry:) Meet me at the playground?

His reply is instant.

From Harry:) Of course.

I throw on some black leggings and a light purple sweatshirt. Leaving my golden brown hair in a long braid, I slide on some Uggs and skip downstairs.

Before I can leave, my mom calls from the kitchen "Hey Ava, we are having a Christmas Eve dinner tomorrow night! Invite your friends!"

"Okay mom! I'll be back, just going to the park," I reply, running out the front door.

I quickly drive to the park, and pull into my regular parking spot. I jump out of my red truck and jog to the playground, unable to contain my excitement.

Luckily, the weather is freezing so we won't have to worry about people spotting Harry and I. Glancing around the playground, I frown when I don't spot a curly-haired boy.

"Looking for me?" A deep British accent sounds from behind me.

I spin around in surprise and can't stop the grin that spreads across my face. Harry stands in front of me, wearing black skinny jeans with a dark grey jacket and green beanie.

"Yeah..." I breathe, allowing myself to get lost in Harry's green eyes for a second.

"Harry I need you to answer me honestly," I say softly, glancing at the sky when I notice thick snowflakes falling around us.

"Sure," Harry replies, a little confused.

I take a deep breath before mumbling,

"Do you love me?"

Harry grins, dimples in view. He takes a step towards me and says,

"I never stopped."

I can't keep my emotions hidden anymore.

I run into his arms and I feel my worries melt away when I stand on my tip-toes and kiss him. Harry immediately responds and I smile into the kiss, my broken heart being rebuilt piece by piece.

Harry pulls away and leans his forehead in mine.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" He asks.

"I guess it does, Styles."

Harry's smile lights up his entire face. His green eyes are shining when he says softly.

"Does this mean you still love me?"

I laugh quietly before replying,

"I never stopped."

Harry wraps his strong arms around me tightly and I rest my head on his chest.

This is how my life should always be.

Just Harry and I.

Authors Note-

AGHHH IM CRYING. Why does Harry have to be so adorable and sweet and loving and cute and adorable and sweet and loving and OH MY GOSH I CANT HANDLE IT ANYMORE.

Please tell me where Harry Styles is.

Thankyou. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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