Chapter 15

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Ava's POV

From Sara<3- SO YOU MADE UP?

I laugh quietly at my best friend.

To Sara<3- it's a long story.....

From Sara<3 I'm coming over. Now. With Liz.

Sara had literally blown up my phone with text messages after I "left" her at Starbucks yesterday. She is probably the most impatient person I know.

I quickly get out of bed and change into some black running shorts with a hot pink fitted shirt. Throwing my golden highlighted hair into a messy bun, I skip downstairs and find my parents in the kitchen.

"Hey darling, we were just talking about you," my mom smiles.

"Ummm may I ask why?"

My dad answers before she can.

"It's that time of year when you need to figure out where you will be going to college. I understand that due to recent.... events, you haven't had the time to choose."

I totally forgot about college. You can't really blame me though, considering I don't even remember going to highschool.

"Won't I just go to the closest college here in Cheshire?" I ask.

Honestly, I'm not comfortable being far away from home.

"Well it's your decision Ava. Just know that your dad and I will support whatever you choose," my mother explains.

"Well I'll do some research later tonight, okay? Sara and Liz are coming over."

"Sounds good, sweetie," my dad grins.

 I sometimes wonder if my parents were this easy-going before the accident.

I eat some waffles while I wait for my friends to arrive. I'm in the middle of cleaning my dishes when the doorbell rings. Jasper immediately starts barking.

"Coming!" I yell, jogging to the front door and pulling Jasper away.

"You have a lot of explaining to do!" Sara and Liz say together, as I open the door.

I nervously nod, standing aside so they can come in. The girls go right up the stairs and Liz shouts, "Hi Mrs. And Mr. Thomas!"

My parents reply from the kitchen and I follow Liz and Sara upstairs with Jasper trailing behind.

"Soooo...." I trail off, sitting on my comfy white bed.

Sara glares at me as Liz and her sit on my rug covering the old wooden floors. Jasper jumps onto my bed and rests his large head on my lap.

"The only reason I'm not attacking you right now is because I want to hear what happened with you and Harry," Sara states.

I gulp. They aren't going to let this go are they?

"Well you see, I kind of stormed out of Starbucks right? And then I drove to the park and walked to the playground. Then I went to this closed off slide area and somehow fell asleep..." I mumble, embarrassed.

"Go on," Liz urges, looking interested.

"I woke up and Harry was there. We talked."

"Ava Marie Thomas. You tell us right now EXACTLY what you "talked" about," Sara orders.

I sigh dramatically, "I was mad at him at first. But then he explained why Kendall was here and how everything was an act. Then I told him that I didn't believe that because they looked in love and he said the only girl I like is you.... And I said that he has to prove that to me and Harry agreed."

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