Chapter 14

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Ava's POV

You know how people say that when their really mad, upset, or embarressed, they just want to disapear? Well it's no joke because as Harry and Kendall walked into Starbucks holding hands, my vision became blurry and I wanted to sink into the ground.

"Ava..." Sara trails off, "Calm down okay? I bet Harry has a perfectly good explanation for this."

"He- he lied to me," I mutter, my eyes filling with tears. Im disgusted at how much it hurts me to see him with Kendall, whispering in her and smiling when she laughs at him.

I feel like an idiot. I trusted Harry, even though my first instinct was to run from him. Here he is, leading my on, when he doesn't care about me and never will.

I rub my eyes, furious that they won't stop watering. Harry doesn't deserve my tears.

"It's all an act," Sara says, trying to calm me down

"That's not an act," I whisper, "He never cared about me."

Just then, Harry's green eyes scan Starbucks and meet mine. I quickly look away as his eyes widen.

"I have to get out of here," I mutter.

"Ava wait!" Sara exclaims, but I ignore her and walk quickly to the door, my shoulder slamming against the curly-haired boy staring at me.

"Ava!" Harry shouts, as I run out of Starbucks.

I don't look behind me, even though I hear Harry yell again. Tears are streaming down my face and for some reason, they won't stop. I jog blindly down the sidewalk and rip open my car door, not really caring how Sara will get home.

I drive, going a little faster than I should, but it doesn't concern me. I come to a stop and notice that I'm at the park. Quickly getting out of the car, I walk down the sidewalk, my feet taking me to the playground. My hands grasp the ladder and I pull myself up, running to the closed off area that I met Harry at. I lean against the wall, wiping my wet cheeks, but the tears continue to fall. My phone buzzes in my pocket, but I ignore it. Slowly sliding down the wall, I fall to the ground and wrap my arms around my knees, shivering. I rest my head against the playground wall and drift off into unwanted nightmares.


I wake up a while later, and feel soft material wrapped around my small body. My eyes quickly open and the first thing I notice is that there is no longer light filtering in through the entrance to the slide area. I look down and see that there's a black jacket draped over my shoulders, and it looks familiar. Wait a minute.

"Harry?" I whisper, into the darkness.

I hear shuffling to my right.

"Ava..." A familiar deep voice relies.

I quickly back away, not wanting to talk to the green-eyed boy.

"G- go away," I stutter.

"Let me explain," Harry pleads, turning on his phone so I can't actually see his face.

Surprisingly, Harry looks sad. Extremely sad. His eyes look a little puffy as he gazes at me with a desperate look.

"You don't need to. I know who you choose Harry, if you can even call it that."

"What do you mean?" He asks, confused.

"Are you kidding me? Harry you led me on! You got me to fall for you, even though you felt nothing for me! So good job, okay? Congrats for ruining my life," I say, my blue eyes instantly beginning to tear up.

I turn around, unable to meet Harry's green eyes. I shrug off his jacket and toss it behind me.

"You can leave now," I whisper, rubbing my eyes.

Harry stays silent, probably planning on how to hurt me some more.

"I-I swear that's not what's been going on, Ava. I didn't lead you on, I didn't even know that you actually feel that way about me," Harry mutters.

"Well then why Harry? Why?"

He instantly knows what I mean.

"I didn't lie to you either. Kendall just kind of showed up this morning, before my flight. I had no idea about anything, I would never lie to you, love."

Harry hesitantly pulls me into a hug. I turn around and rest my head on his chest, breathing in his comforting scent.

"Fine. But that still doesn't explain why you both looked so in love," I say, looking up at Harry.

I watch his green eyes narrow in confusion.

"What? Ava, it's all for show. I don't feel anything towards Kendall, so you don't have to worry, okay?"

But I do Harry, I thought. I really do.

"So where does this leave us then?" I ask nervously.

Harry grins, the flashlight lighting up his handsome face.

"Well management gave me a call when Kendall got here, and said we can fake the breakup next week"

I can't help the way my heart lifted at those words.

"Do you forgive me, love?" Harry questions me when I don't reply.

"I don't know Harry... I just don't feel like what you said about not having feelings for Kendall is true."

Harry's face is priceless.

"What?! But I keep telling you that I Don't Like Kendall Like That. There's only one girl I like, and she just happens to be sitting right next to me," Harry winks cheekily.

I try to ignore the blush creeping into my cheeks, "Fine, I guess you will just have to prove that, Harry Styles."

"That can be arranged," he grins.

Authors Note-

AHHHHH LOVE THIS CHAPTER! I had you guys for a minute there at Starbucks didn't i?? Well I hope you enjoyed this once as much as I did!! I'll update soon💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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