Chapter 26

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Ava's POV

"We love you, darling. Make sure you come and visit again soon!" My parents call after me as Harry and I get in my truck.

I wave back at them and we pull out of the driveway, heading towards the airport.

"You'll miss them, won't you?" Harry asks.


I turn up the music and the host announces One Direction's new song from their Midnight Memories Album.

"This is Half A Heart!"

"So your friend's been telling me
You've been sleeping with my sweater
And that you can't stop missing me
Bet my friend's been telling you
I'm not doing much better
'Cause I'm missing half of me

And being here without you is like I'm waking up to

Only half a blue sky
Kinda there but not quite
I'm walking around with just one shoe
I'm half a heart without you
I'm half a man at best,
With half an arrow in my chest
I miss everything we do,
I'm half a heart without you

Forget all we said that night
No, it doesn't even matter
'Cause we both got split in two
If you could spare an hour or so,
We'll go for lunch down by the river
We can really talk it through

And being here without you is like I'm waking up to

Only half a blue sky
Kinda there but not quite
I'm walking around with just one shoe
I'm half a heart without you
I'm half a man at best,
With half an arrow in my chest
'Cause I miss everything we do,
I'm half a heart without you

Half a heart without you,
I'm half a heart without you

Though I try to get you out of my head
The truth is I got lost without you
And since then I've been waking up to

Only half a blue sky
Kinda there but not quite
I'm walking around with just one shoe
I'm half a heart without you
I'm half a man at best (half a man at best)
With half an arrow in my chest
I miss everything we do,
I'm half a heart without you

Without you, without you, half a heart without you
Without you, without you, I'm half a heart without you"

Harry quietly sings along to the song.

For some reason, the lyrics really has a strong effect of me and I immediately take a liking to it.

"That ones my favorite," I state, smiling.

"Yeah, I like it a lot too, babe."

Sadly enough, we arrive at the airport and slowly walk inside, holding hands. Harry leads me to an area close to security.

"Paul and the thee body guards are waiting for me after I check in, and you can't come through security with me..." He trails off.

My eyes begin to water a bit, but I won't let myself cry this time.

"It feels like we say goodbye to often," I frown.

Harry reaches forward and pulls me into a tight hug.

"But at least we have more wonderful hellos," he sings softly, resting his chin on my head.

"Always looking at the bright side, styles," I grin, ruffling his curls with my hand.

"Eh- someone's gotta do it, love," he smiles cheekily before leaning down and kissing my lips.

I smile into the kiss, even though all I'm thinking is how much I'm going to miss this. We break apart and I rest my forehead in Harry's.

"Oh wait- I forgot to give you this," Harry smiles, taking a black box out of his back pocket.

He opens it and inside is a silver necklace with a small heart on the end. Engraved on the heart is the date Harry and I met with the words "Je t'adore".

"It means I Love You in French," Harry tells me, shyly.

"It's perfect Harry. Thank you so much," I grin, standing on my tip-toes and kissing him.

"Call me when you land?" I ask, leaning back a little.

"Of course. I love you," he winks, kissing me again.

"I love you too..." I trail off and he gives me a sad smile before walking away.


I find myself humming along to Half A Heart on my drive back to Manchester. I promise myself that I'll visit Harry soon as a surprise.

When I drive past the familiar brick buildings in Manchester University, a smile spreads across my face. I couldn't of picked a better college.

"Ally I'm back!" I yell, entering my dorm and my green-eyed roommate emerges from the closet.

"Finally! So how was the romantic weekend with the hot boyfriend?" She jokes.

"Great actually, he gave me this," I smile, pointing to the silver necklace on my neck.

"Wow that's gorgeous," Ally exclaims, "He must be a fantastic guy."

"Trust me, he is....."

Authors Note-

Can Harry Styles please give me a necklace that says I love you in French?  This was such a cute chapter lovelies💕💕💕💕

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