Secret | Calum Hood

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I am completely amazed with the response this story has gotten. It will always be a part of me. But if you're just now reading this story, stop what you're doing and go to my profile. You'll find another story there called "SECRET"- AKA, the revised version of this story that is not a fan fiction and is one I am much more proud of. Read on if you want, but I would much rather prefer you check out the other. But once again, thank you so much for your incredible support and I can't wait to see where all of this takes us. <3

love Elena. I really do. She may not believe me, but that's okay. All I need to know is that she'll be safe. If she's safe, and happy, then I can be happy, knowing she is. I wish that things were different, but I guess this is how it's meant to be. All I have to do is tell her I love her, and that I want her to live a long, happy life. I want her to live a life that's so different from the one she lives now. So I went to the guestroom, thinking she was in there. She wasn't. I thought maybe she had left already. But I caught a glimpse of something in the bathroom. And that's when I broke down. That's when I saw Elena's body in the shower, limp and semi-covered in blood.

Secret // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now