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I woke up slowly.  This time I remembered what happened.  I fell asleep in the shower, and I never came to until now.  I guess the hot water messed with me.  I was surrounded by towels and I noticed that my clothes had been changed.  I also felt Calum next to me, his arms wrapped around me.  I lifted my head to get a look at him.  He was asleep.  My clock said it was six thirty in the evening.  Luckily, Mom would be working all night tonight.  Some idiot at the ad company used the wrong promotion code or something that involves a lot of paperwork.  I slowly got up, so I wouldn’t wake up Calum.  I stretched and walked around my room, trying to get a hold of myself.  I went to my bathroom.  The bag of razors was in the trash, and the floor had been mopped.  What had Calum done?

Calum came to, and I sat beside him.  When he was aware of what was going on, he sat up.

“When did you wake up?” he asked worriedly.

“Long enough ago to explore the room and see that you threw away all of my razors.  I still have to shave you know,” I explained.

“You can wax.  There’s no way I’m letting you near razors again,” Calum said.

“That’s not your choice.  Besides, there’s plenty of things in this house that I can hurt myself with,” I argued, standing up.  Calum stood up to, and I did not like where this was going.

“It’s not my choice?  You’re the one who needs help!  What else was I supposed to do?  You really scared me!” Calum argued back.

“I don’t need help!” I lied, raising my voice.

“I thought we were past the denial stage,” Calum said, crossing his arms.

“You’re supposed to let me deal with it my own way, not take control of my life!” I shouted.

“You can’t deal with it your own way because you can’t deal with it at all!  You just keep pushing everything down until it explodes!” he yelled.

“What were you really going to do?  How did you think you were really going to help me?” I asked.

“I was helping you by being there for you, that’s what you wanted, what you needed!” he retaliated.

“I don’t need anyone's help!  You don’t understand!  None of you will ever understand, so I just don’t need your help!” I shouted, throwing my hands up in the air and walking away.  I could feel Calum run after me.  His hand grabbed mine, and I tried to pull away, but like always, he was much stronger.

He pulled me to him, not too close, but close enough so that I could hear him without him shouting.  I could see his brown eyes, showing anger and confusion, and hurt.

“Elena, you do need help.  And apparently, I’m not enough help for you.  So I told my mom,” he said.  I broke away, Calum letting me,

“You did WHAT?” I yelled.

“I told you that if you ever became a danger to yourself, I would tell someone, and you agreed!” he said.

“It’s supposed to be my choice, why did you tell her?!  You know that it took me a while to trust you, and you go and tell my darkest secrets to your mother?” I argued.  How could he do this?  I thought Calum understood, I thought he knew what it was like.  Now I don’t know if I can ever trust him again.

“You promised Elena!  And I promised that I wouldn’t let you hurt yourself, this is the only way I know how!  It’s going to be alright, my mom is an easy person to talk to, you can trust her,” Calum reasoned, stepping closer to me.  I was about to have a panic attack.  It’s like everything was slipping through my fingers.

“How can I trust her when I can’t trust you?  Just leave me alone!” I cried.  I tried to run, but once again, Calum caught me.  He needs to stop doing that.

“Oh hell no.  Today’s events have proved that you can NOT be left alone,” Calum said.

“What are you going to do about that?” I said, tears silently streaming down my face.

He stepped closer, touching my face gently with his hand.  I would have pulled away, but my feelings got between us.  He wiped the tears away gently, and pulled me in for a hug.

“I’m not going to leave you alone, not even for a minute,” he said, sinking with me to the floor and holding me together while I continued to shake and cry.


kind of a weird ending, just go with it. xx

Secret // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now