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“Why do I have to tell you to do everything, you’re old enough to do things by yourself!  Now go get me some Taco Bell!” she screamed at me.

It was around one thirty in the morning, and I thought that tonight I would finally be able to get some sleep.  But she just had to have some Taco Bell to go with her vodka.  It didn’t make sense.  If she wanted it that badly, why didn’t she go get it?  But I knew enough to not ask her that question.  It would have resulted in a beating for sure.  Trying to hide my anger, I grabbed my jacket and headed outside.  As I walked the streets alone, I reminisced about how the dark used to terrify me.  As the cool breeze swept around my face and comforted me, I thought the darkness is all I have now.  I would rather be alone in the dark.  At least it’s less likely to get hurt that way.

I’ve walked to Taco Bell at this time so often that seeing bums and drug dealers didn’t even phase me anymore.  Although I lived in what was considered the nice part of town, the only Taco Bell required me to cross the sketchy part of town.  I was still angry when I reached the empty fast food place.  I guess it’s good that I’m feeling something.  And that I’m alone so I can show how I feel.  I’m so used to hiding my feelings in fear of getting punished.  But then it all comes so fast and hits me like a speeding bus.  Until I can’t do anything but let the pain out and punish myself.  I basically have a mini breakdown every other day.

I walk inside to order food, but something’s wrong.  I go up to the counter and ask Sheila, the blunt and loud-mouthed cashier what’s going on.

“Are you the only one working tonight?  Is this place even open?” I asked.

“Honey, this place is CLOSED now.  I’m not gonna risk my life just to give some fat asses their tacos at two in the morning.  Come tomorrow when it’s light outside,” she answered.

So they were closed.  Mom isn’t getting her food tonight.  And she’s going to somehow blame me for it.  I stepped outside and carefully looked down at the ground as I walked past two bums, whose names I remembered were Cassie and Jay, because they literally live outside the restaurant.  They always try to talk to me and ask for money, although I can smell the weed on them.  They’re known drug addicts, and although I wish I could help them, they would just spend the money on more drugs.  I was about fifty feet away from Taco Bell when I heard a car slow down.  Hoping it wasn’t Victor, Jay and Cassie’s violent dealer, I walked faster.

“Elena!” a familiar voice called.

Although I didn’t want to admit it, my heart settled back to a comfortable place when I heard Calum call my name.  I turned to him and asked “what?”

“What are you doing all by yourself this late?” he asked.  I shrugged my shoulders.  Why did he care how late out I was?  He was doing the same thing, it’s not that much different.

“I could ask you the same question,” I answered.  

“Just get in the car, I’m taking you home,” he said.

I thought for a minute about his request.  What would I have to do in return for him driving me home?  I don’t care how nice he says he’s trying to be, he’s still friends with them.  But I decided not to care as I opened the passenger side door and got in.

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